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HistoryOct 06, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Front-Running Vulnerability: Exploiting Reward Updates for Maximized Payouts

front-running vulnerability
reward updates
maximized payouts
governance actions
swift claiming
economic incentives
undue inflation
mempool monitoring
gas price prioritization
protocol losses

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Vulnerability details


Malicious users claim rewards at a higher rate than what was intended by front-running governance actions meant to reduce rewards. This allows them to claim rewards at a higher rate than what was intended, undermining the protocol’s intended economic incentives and potentially causing undue inflation.

Proof of Concept

Attack Scenario:

  1. Monitoring for Reward Update Transactions: An malicious user sets up a bot or script to monitor pending transactions sent from the governance address or any transaction calling setConcRewards or setAmbRewards. This can be done using tools like Etherscan’s API or Web3 libraries to listen to mempool transactions.

  2. Identification of the Reduction: Once the user’s script identifies a transaction intending to reduce the rewards, it triggers the next steps automatically.

  3. Swift Claiming: The malicious user immediately sends a transaction calling claimAmbientRewards or claimConcentratedRewards. To ensure their transaction gets processed first, they set a gas price significantly higher than the current average or the gas price of the governance’s transaction.

  4. Transaction Confirmation: Given the higher gas price, miners prioritize the malicious user transaction over the governance’s reward adjustment transaction. As a result, the malicious user claim transaction gets confirmed first, allowing them to receive rewards at the old, higher rate.

  5. Result: By the time the governance transaction gets confirmed and the reward rate is reduced, the malicious user has already claimed a significant portion of the rewards at the higher rate. Over time and repeated instances, this can lead to substantial losses for the protocol.


  • Monitoring the mempool can reveal a pattern of such front-running transactions frequently getting confirmed just before the governance’s reward adjustment transactions.

Code Snippet

  1. The setConcRewards() and setAmbRewards() functions are used to set the weekly reward rate for the liquidity mining sidecar. Reward rates are set by determining a total amount that will be disbursed per week. Governance can choose how many weeks that the reward rate will be set for.

    function setConcRewards(bytes32 poolIdx, uint32 weekFrom, uint32 weekTo, uint64 weeklyReward) public payable {
    // require(msg.sender == governance_, β€œOnly callable by governance”);
    require(weekFrom % WEEK == 0 && weekTo % WEEK == 0, β€œInvalid weeks”);
    while (weekFrom <= weekTo) {
    concRewardPerWeek_[poolIdx][weekFrom] = weeklyReward;
    weekFrom += uint32(WEEK);

    function setAmbRewards(bytes32 poolIdx, uint32 weekFrom, uint32 weekTo, uint64 weeklyReward) public payable {
    // require(msg.sender == governance_, β€œOnly callable by governance”);
    require(weekFrom % WEEK == 0 && weekTo % WEEK == 0, β€œInvalid weeks”);
    while (weekFrom <= weekTo) {
    ambRewardPerWeek_[poolIdx][weekFrom] = weeklyReward;
    weekFrom += uint32(WEEK);

    function claimConcentratedRewards(
        address payable owner,
        bytes32 poolIdx,
        int24 lowerTick,
        int24 upperTick,
        uint32[] memory weeksToClaim
    ) internal {
        CurveMath.CurveState memory curve = curves_[poolIdx];
        // Need to do a global accrual in case the current tick was already in range for a long time without any modifications that triggered an accrual
        accrueConcentratedGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity(poolIdx, curve);
        bytes32 posKey = encodePosKey(owner, poolIdx, lowerTick, upperTick);
        uint256 rewardsToSend;
        for (uint256 i; i &lt; weeksToClaim.length; ++i) {
            uint32 week = weeksToClaim[i];
            require(week + WEEK &lt; block.timestamp, "Week not over yet");
                "Already claimed"
            uint256 overallInRangeLiquidity = timeWeightedWeeklyGlobalConcLiquidity_[poolIdx][week];
            if (overallInRangeLiquidity &gt; 0) {
                uint256 inRangeLiquidityOfPosition;
                for (int24 j = lowerTick + 10; j &lt;= upperTick - 10; ++j) {
                    inRangeLiquidityOfPosition += timeWeightedWeeklyPositionInRangeConcLiquidity_[poolIdx][posKey][week][j];
                // Percentage of this weeks overall in range liquidity that was provided by the user times the overall weekly rewards
                rewardsToSend += inRangeLiquidityOfPosition * concRewardPerWeek_[poolIdx][week] / overallInRangeLiquidity;
            concLiquidityRewardsClaimed_[poolIdx][posKey][week] = true;
        if (rewardsToSend &gt; 0) {
            (bool sent, ) ={value: rewardsToSend}("");
            require(sent, "Sending rewards failed");

    function claimAmbientRewards(
        address owner,
        bytes32 poolIdx,
        uint32[] memory weeksToClaim
    ) internal {
        CurveMath.CurveState memory curve = curves_[poolIdx];
        accrueAmbientPositionTimeWeightedLiquidity(payable(owner), poolIdx);
        accrueAmbientGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity(poolIdx, curve);
        bytes32 posKey = encodePosKey(owner, poolIdx);
        uint256 rewardsToSend;
        for (uint256 i; i &lt; weeksToClaim.length; ++i) {
            uint32 week = weeksToClaim[i];
            require(week + WEEK &lt; block.timestamp, "Week not over yet");
                "Already claimed"
            uint256 overallTimeWeightedLiquidity = timeWeightedWeeklyGlobalAmbLiquidity_[
            if (overallTimeWeightedLiquidity &gt; 0) {
                uint256 rewardsForWeek = (timeWeightedWeeklyPositionAmbLiquidity_[
                ][posKey][week] * ambRewardPerWeek_[poolIdx][week]) /
                rewardsToSend += rewardsForWeek;
            ambLiquidityRewardsClaimed_[poolIdx][posKey][week] = true;
        if (rewardsToSend &gt; 0) {
            (bool sent, ) ={value: rewardsToSend}("");
            require(sent, "Sending rewards failed");

Tools Used

Manual Inspection

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Time-Locked Updates: Introduce a delay on governance actions that adjust rewards, providing users with a clear window of upcoming changes.

Assessed type


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