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HistoryAug 10, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Failed transfer with low level call could be overlooked

low level call
solidity docs
evm design
claim function
withdraw function

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In LendingLedger.sol and votingEscrow.sol, low level call made using the call, According to the Solidity docs, β€œThe low-level functions call, delegatecall and staticcall return true as their first return value if the account called is non-existent, as part of the design of the EVM. Account existence must be checked prior to calling if needed”.As a result, it is possible that this call will fail, but votingEscrow#withdraw() and lendingLedger#claim() will not notice anything went wrong

Proof of Concept

the claim function using .call to transfer token to callee:

 function claim(
        address _market,
        uint256 _claimFromTimestamp,
        uint256 _claimUpToTimestamp
    ) external is_valid_epoch(_claimFromTimestamp) is_valid_epoch(_claimUpToTimestamp) {
        address lender = msg.sender;
        uint256 userLastClaimed = userClaimedEpoch[_market][lender];
        require(userLastClaimed &gt; 0, "No deposits for this user");
        _checkpoint_lender(_market, lender, _claimUpToTimestamp);
        _checkpoint_market(_market, _claimUpToTimestamp);
        uint256 currEpoch = (block.timestamp / WEEK) * WEEK;
        uint256 claimStart = Math.max(userLastClaimed, _claimFromTimestamp);
        uint256 claimEnd = Math.min(currEpoch - WEEK, _claimUpToTimestamp);
        uint256 cantoToSend;
        if (claimEnd &gt;= claimStart) {
            // This ensures that we only set userClaimedEpoch when a claim actually happened
            for (uint256 i = claimStart; i &lt;= claimEnd; i += WEEK) {
                uint256 userBalance = lendingMarketBalances[_market][lender][i];
                uint256 marketBalance = lendingMarketTotalBalance[_market][i];
                RewardInformation memory ri = rewardInformation[i];
                require(ri.set, "Reward not set yet"); // Can only claim for epochs where rewards are set, even if it is set to 0
                uint256 marketWeight = gaugeController.gauge_relative_weight_write(_market, i); // Normalized to 1e18
                cantoToSend += (marketWeight * userBalance * ri.amount) / (1e18 * marketBalance); // (marketWeight / 1e18) * (userBalance / marketBalance) * ri.amount;
            userClaimedEpoch[_market][lender] = claimEnd + WEEK;
        if (cantoToSend &gt; 0) {
            (bool success, ) ={value: cantoToSend}("");
            require(success, "Failed to send CANTO");

same thing for withdraw function

function withdraw() external nonReentrant {
        LockedBalance memory locked_ = locked[msg.sender];
        // Validate inputs
        require(locked_.amount &gt; 0, "No lock");
        require(locked_.end &lt;= block.timestamp, "Lock not expired");
        require(locked_.delegatee == msg.sender, "Lock delegated");
        // Update lock
        uint256 amountToSend = uint256(uint128(locked_.amount));
        LockedBalance memory newLocked = _copyLock(locked_);
        newLocked.amount = 0;
        newLocked.end = 0;
        newLocked.delegated -= int128(int256(amountToSend));
        newLocked.delegatee = address(0);
        locked[msg.sender] = newLocked;
        newLocked.delegated = 0;
        // oldLocked can have either expired &lt;= timestamp or zero end
        // currentLock has only 0 end
        // Both can have &gt;= 0 amount
        _checkpoint(msg.sender, locked_, newLocked);
        // Send back deposited tokens
        (bool success, ) ={value: amountToSend}("");
        require(success, "Failed to send CANTO");
        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amountToSend, LockAction.WITHDRAW, block.timestamp);

Tools Used

manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check for the msg.sender if its valid address or not, so that failures are not missed.

Assessed type


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