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HistoryAug 07, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

function rngComplete is unpprotected

access control
rng relay auction
prize pool
data parameters
reward fraction
draw auction results
elapsed seconds
draw close
reward distribution

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The rngComplete is a function Called by the relayer to complete the Rng relay auction.
However it has zero access control.

Proof of Concept

The function makes calls to the prizepool to close a draw, it also withdraws from a reserve. All these are done with the data passed in as parameters. Hence it should not be left unguarded

 function rngComplete(
    uint256 _randomNumber,
    uint256 _rngCompletedAt,
    address _rewardRecipient,
    uint32 _sequenceId,
    AuctionResult calldata _rngAuctionResult
  ) external returns (bytes32) {
    if (_sequenceHasCompleted(_sequenceId)) revert SequenceAlreadyCompleted();
    uint64 _auctionElapsedSeconds = uint64(block.timestamp < _rngCompletedAt ? 0 : block.timestamp - _rngCompletedAt);
    if (_auctionElapsedSeconds > (_auctionDurationSeconds-1)) revert AuctionExpired();
    // Calculate the reward fraction and set the draw auction results
    UD2x18 rewardFraction = _fractionalReward(_auctionElapsedSeconds);
    _auctionResults.rewardFraction = rewardFraction;
    _auctionResults.recipient = _rewardRecipient;
    _lastSequenceId = _sequenceId;

    AuctionResult[] memory auctionResults = new AuctionResult[](2);
    auctionResults[0] = _rngAuctionResult;
    auctionResults[1] = AuctionResult({
      rewardFraction: rewardFraction,
      recipient: _rewardRecipient

    uint32 drawId = prizePool.closeDraw(_randomNumber);

    uint256 futureReserve = prizePool.reserve() + prizePool.reserveForOpenDraw();
    uint256[] memory _rewards = RewardLib.rewards(auctionResults, futureReserve);

    emit RngSequenceCompleted(

    for (uint8 i = 0; i < _rewards.length; i++) {
      uint104 _reward = uint104(_rewards[i]);
      if (_reward > 0) {
        prizePool.withdrawReserve(auctionResults[i].recipient, _reward);
        emit AuctionRewardDistributed(_sequenceId, auctionResults[i].recipient, i, _reward);

    return bytes32(uint(drawId));

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Since it says that it is a relayer function. Then require that the msg.sender is the rngAuctionRelayer address

Assessed type

Access Control

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