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HistoryAug 07, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Potential Near-Zero Scenarios for purchasePrice in the Continuous Gradual Dutch Auction

continuous gradual dutch auction
purchase price
emission rate
time since last auction
economic effects
mitigation steps

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The Continuous Gradual Dutch Auction (CGDA) model has potential scenarios where the purchasePrice for an amount of tokens could approach near-zero values. This is influenced mainly by two factors: _emissionRate and _timeSinceLastAuctionStart. If either one or both of these factors (_emissionRate specifically more likely) are significantly large, the purchasePrice could drastically drop.

This condition could cause undesired economic effects in the auction process. Under this context, participants may acquire tokens (amount of Vault shares) at an extremely low price (very low POOL amount indeed), which could lead to significant chance of winnings.

Proof of Concept

Here is the purchasePrice function within the ContinuousGDA library, which computes the purchase price of tokens based on various parameters.


  function purchasePrice(
    SD59x18 _amount,
    SD59x18 _emissionRate,
    SD59x18 _k,
    SD59x18 _decayConstant,
    SD59x18 _timeSinceLastAuctionStart
  ) internal pure returns (SD59x18) {
    if (_amount.unwrap() == 0) {
      return SD59x18.wrap(0);
    SD59x18 topE = _decayConstant.mul(_amount).div(_emissionRate);
    topE = topE.exp().sub(ONE);
    SD59x18 bottomE = _decayConstant.mul(_timeSinceLastAuctionStart);
    bottomE = bottomE.exp();
    SD59x18 result;
    if (_emissionRate.unwrap() &gt; 1e18) {
      result = _k.div(_emissionRate).mul(topE).div(bottomE);
    } else {
      result = _k.mul(topE.div(_emissionRate.mul(bottomE)));
    return result;

One possible scenarios where purchasePrice could approach near-zero values is:
_k = 1e18 (the initial price of the CGDA)
_decayConstant = 0.00001 (a very small decay constant)
_amount = 1e18 (the amount of tokens to purchase which has reportedly become a rare commodity)
_emissionRate = 1e20 (a significantly large, but more practical emission rate)
_timeSinceLastAuctionStart = 3600 (equivalent to 1 hour)

The small _decayConstant, along with the relatively short _timeSinceLastAuctionStart, results in bottomE being close to 1. _emissionRate is significantly larger than _amount, making topE also close to 1. As a result, this combination of factors drives the purchasePrice towards near-zero values.

Please note that this is only one of many possible scenarios where the purchase price could approach near-zero values. Other combinations of parameter tweaks could potentially also lead to similar or more likely outcomes.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

  1. Introduce checks in the _computeExactAmountIn function to ensure that _emissionRate doesn’t exceed a certain practical limit.
  2. Introduce checks in function swapExactAmountOut that the scaled ratio of _amountInForPeriod to _amountOutForPeriod should not fall below a certain threshold.

Assessed type


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