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HistoryAug 07, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

A malicious deployer can set auctionTargetTime close to auctionDuration to make it hard or impossible for anyone to win a reward.

malicious deployerauctiontargettimeauctiondurationrewardfractionvalidationmitigationminimumwindowelapsedtimeillegalactionrewardamountstartrngrequestdocumentedvulnerabilityproofconceptgithubsecurityassessment

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


A malicious deployer could set auctionTargetTime very close to auctionDuration, making it hard/impossible for anyone to win a reward leading to losses

Proof of Concept

In the constructor, auctionTargetTime is not validated to be less than auctionDuration: <;

The reward amount depends on the elapsed time and the target time:<;

If auctionTargetTime is set very close to auctionDuration, then the window to call startRngRequest and get a decent reward fraction will be very small.
For example, if auctionDuration is 3600 seconds (1 hour) and auctionTargetTime is set to 3590 seconds (59 minutes 50 seconds), there is only a 10 second window at the end of the auction to call startRngRequest and get a high reward.
A malicious deployer could set auctionTargetTime = auctionDuration - 1 to make the window 1 second.

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Recommended Mitigation Steps

Validate auctionTargetTime and add a minimum window between target and duration

Assessed type


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