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HistorySep 06, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Underflow in updateTranscoderWithFees can cause corrupted data and loss of winning tickets.

data corruption
lost tickets

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


updateTranscoderWtihFees can underflow because MathUtils is used instead of PreciseMathUtils.

Proof of Concept

According to LIP-92 the initial treasuryRewardCutRate will be set to 10%.
treasuryRewardCutRate is set with the setTreasuryRewardCutRate()function, which calls the internal function _setTreasuryRewardCutRate().

file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol

function _setTreasuryRewardCutRate(uint256 _cutRate) internal {
        require(PreciseMathUtils.validPerc(_cutRate), "_cutRate is invalid precise percentage");

In this function the value will be checked if it’s a valid PreciseMathUtils percentage (<100% specified with 27-digits precision):

file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/libraries/PreciseMathUtils.sol
library PreciseMathUtils {
// ...
    // Divisor used for representing percentages
    uint256 public constant PERC_DIVISOR = 10**27;
	function validPerc(uint256 _amount) internal pure returns (bool) {
        return _amount &lt;= PERC_DIVISOR;
// ...

However, in updateTranscoderWithFees, to calculate treasuryRewards, MathUtils is used instead of PreciseMathUtils.

file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol

function updateTranscoderWithFees(
        address _transcoder,
        uint256 _fees,
        uint256 _round
    ) external whenSystemNotPaused onlyTicketBroker {
// ...
uint256 treasuryRewards = MathUtils.percOf(rewards, treasuryRewardCutRate);
rewards = rewards.sub(treasuryRewards);
// ...

MathUtils uses a PREC_DIVISOR of 1000000 instead of 10 ** 27 from the PreciseMathUtils:

file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/libraries/MathUtils.sol
library MathUtils {
// ...
    uint256 public constant PERC_DIVISOR = 1000000;
// ...

This leads to treasuryRewards value being bigger than expected. Here is a gist of the POC:
POC. Running the POC it shows that the current usage of MathUtils when calculating treasuryRewards will always cause an underflow in the next line of code.

updateTranscoderWithFees is called every time a winning ticket is redeemed . Whenever the transcoder has skipped the previous round reward call, this function has to re-calculate the rewards, as documented in LIP-92 This re-calculation will always fail due to the underflow shown above.


This will lead to accounting errors, unexpected behaviours and can cause a loss of winning tickets.

Firstly, the accounting errors and unexpected behaviours: these are all the storage values getting updated in updateTranscoderWithFees:

file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol

function updateTranscoderWithFees( address _transcoder,
        uint256 _fees,
        uint256 _round
    ) external whenSystemNotPaused onlyTicketBroker {
// ...
// transcoder &
L314: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[_transcoder];
L321: EarningsPool.Data storage earningsPool = t.earningsPoolPerRound[currentRound];

//accounting updates happen here
L377: t.cumulativeFees = t.cumulativeFees.add(transcoderRewardStakeFees)
L382: earningsPool.updateCumulativeFeeFactor(prevEarningsPool,delegatorsFees);
L384: t.lastFeeRound = currentRound;
  • Let currentRound() - 1 be the previous round where the transcoder skipped the reward call
  • Let currentRound() be current round
  • Let currentRound() + 1 be the next round

During currentRound() it wont be possible to update the Transcoder storage or storage because of the underflow that will happen because currentRound() - 1 reward call has been skipped by the transcoder.

During currentRound() + 1 it will be possible to call updateTranscoderWithFees, however, L382 will only update the prevEarningsPool, which in this case will be currentRound(), not currentRound - 1. Therefor, the won’t be updated for currentRound() - 1.

Lastly, the validity of a ticket is two rounds as per the specs. This means that a transcoder that receives a winning ticket in currentRound() - 1 should be able to redeem it in currentRound() - 1 and currentRound(). However, a transcoder that receives a winning ticket in currentRound() - 1 wont be able to redeem it in currentRound() because of the underflow that happens while redeeming a winning ticket in currentRound(). The transcoder wont be able to redeem it after currentRound + 1…N because the ticket will be expired.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use PreciseMathLib instead of MathLib:

file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol

- uint256 treasuryRewards = MathUtils.percOf(rewards, treasuryRewardCutRate);
+ uint256 treasuryRewards = PreciseMathUtils.percOf(rewards, treasuryRewardCutRate);

Assessed type


The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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