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HistorySep 06, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

lastFeeRound is only updated after adding fees and updating the cumulative fee factor. So when first calling updateTranscoderWithFees() in a new round, lastFeeRound will still be set to the previous round.

incorrect fee calculations

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


This could lead to incorrect fee calculations for delegators when claiming fees or pending fees.
First time earnings are calculated in the new round, they will use the old cumulative fee factor rather than starting from 0 as intended. This effectively pays out some fees twice to delegators.

Proof of Concept

True, this is a potential issue in the code.
The key parts are:

  1. lastFeeRound is only updated when fees are added in updateTranscoderWithFees():<;
  2. latestCumulativeFactorsPool() uses lastFeeRound to determine which cumulative fee factor to return:<;
  3. delegatorCumulativeStakeAndFees() uses the cumulative factors returned by latestCumulativeFactorsPool() to calculate earnings:<;
    So when updateTranscoderWithFees() is first called in a new round, lastFeeRound will still be the previous round. This means latestCumulativeFactorsPool() will return the fee factor for the previous round, not the current round.

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Recommended Mitigation Steps

lastFeeRound couuld be reset to 0 in reward() along with the other earnings tracking fields like cumulativeFees. This would ensure it starts fresh in each new round.

Assessed type


The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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