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HistoryAug 03, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

_claimRewardsOnBehalf() User's rewards may be lost

user rewards
maximum rewards
loss prevention
contract balance
unclaimed rewards
mitigation steps

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Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Incorrect determination of maximum rewards, which may lead to loss of user rewards

Proof of Concept

_claimRewardsOnBehalf() For users to retrieve rewards

    function _claimRewardsOnBehalf(
        address onBehalfOf,
        address receiver,
        bool forceUpdate
    ) internal {
        if (forceUpdate) {

        uint256 balance = balanceOf(onBehalfOf);
        uint256 reward = _getClaimableRewards(onBehalfOf, balance, false);
        uint256 totBal = REWARD_TOKEN.balanceOf(address(this));

@>      if (reward > totBal) {
@>          reward = totBal;
@>      }
        if (reward > 0) {
@>          _unclaimedRewards[onBehalfOf] = 0;
            REWARD_TOKEN.safeTransfer(receiver, reward);

From the code above, we can see that if the contract balance is not enough, it will only use the contract balance and set the unclaimed rewards to 0: _unclaimedRewards[user]=0.

But using the current contract’s balance is inaccurate, REWARD_TOKEN may still be stored in INCENTIVES_CONTROLLER

_updateRewards() and _updateUser(), are just calculations, they don’t transfer REWARD_TOKEN to the current contract, but _unclaimedRewards[user] is always accumulating

  1. _updateRewards() not transferable REWARD_TOKEN

    function _updateRewards() internal {
    if (block.number > _lastRewardBlock) {

           address[] memory assets = new address[](1);
           assets[0] = address(ATOKEN);
@>          uint256 freshRewards = INCENTIVES_CONTROLLER.getRewardsBalance(assets, address(this));
            uint256 lifetimeRewards = _lifetimeRewardsClaimed.add(freshRewards);
            uint256 rewardsAccrued = lifetimeRewards.sub(_lifetimeRewards).wadToRay();

@>          _accRewardsPerToken = _accRewardsPerToken.add(
            _lifetimeRewards = lifetimeRewards;
  1. but _unclaimedRewards[user] always accumulating

    function _updateUser(address user) internal {
    uint256 balance = balanceOf(user);
    if (balance > 0) {
    uint256 pending = _getPendingRewards(user, balance, false);
    @> _unclaimedRewards[user] = _unclaimedRewards[user].add(pending);

This way if _unclaimedRewards(forceUpdate=false) is executed, it does not trigger the transfer of REWARD_TOKEN to the current contract.
This makes it possible that _unclaimedRewards[user] > REWARD_TOKEN.balanceOf(address(this))
According to the _claimedRewardsOnBehalf() current code, the extra value is lost.

It is recommended that if (reward > totBal) be executed only if forceUpdate=true, to avoid losing user rewards.

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

    function _claimRewardsOnBehalf(
        address onBehalfOf,
        address receiver,
        bool forceUpdate
    ) internal {
        if (forceUpdate) {

        uint256 balance = balanceOf(onBehalfOf);
        uint256 reward = _getClaimableRewards(onBehalfOf, balance, false);
        uint256 totBal = REWARD_TOKEN.balanceOf(address(this));

-       if (reward > totBal) {
+       if (forceUpdate && reward > totBal) {
            reward = totBal;
        if (reward > 0) {
            _unclaimedRewards[onBehalfOf] = 0;
            REWARD_TOKEN.safeTransfer(receiver, reward);

Assessed type


The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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