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HistoryJul 10, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

TWAP can be easily manipulated by attacker through the sync() function, causing loss of funds

funds loss
recommended mitigation

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Please refer to the issue titled Implementation of Well shift() function allows attackers to completely manipulate the oracles for relevant introduction and context.

The safety of the TWAP relies on calling the observation function (update()) with the current reserve, before any reserve changes take place. Updating happens in the _updatePumps call:

reserves = _getReserves(_numberOfTokens);
if (numberOfPumps() == 0) {
    return reserves;
// gas optimization: avoid looping if there is only one pump
if (numberOfPumps() == 1) {
    Call memory _pump = firstPump();
    // Don't revert if the update call fails.
    try IPump(, {}
    catch {
        // ignore reversion. If an external shutoff mechanism is added to a Pump, it could be called here.

There is a bug in the sync() function, whereby the reserves are directly updated from the contract balance, but updatePumps() is not called beforehand.

 * @dev Sync the reserves of the Well with its current balance of underlying tokens.
function sync() external nonReentrant {
    IERC20[] memory _tokens = tokens();
    uint256[] memory reserves = new uint256[](_tokens.length);
    for (uint256 i; i < _tokens.length; ++i) {
        reserves[i] = _tokens[i].balanceOf(address(this));
    _setReserves(_tokens, reserves);
    emit Sync(reserves);

An attacker can abuse this issue by donating ERC20 tokens to one side of the token pair in the Well, calling sync() to update the reserves without updating pumps, and then doing a negligible swap. At the first swapFrom() call, the pumps will be updated. It will appear as if the entire duration until the sync() call was with the wrong ratio. Both the EMA oracle and the Cumulative oracle will be skewed.


The TWAP oracle can be arbitrarily manipulated by an attacker.


The TWAP can always be manipulated. In order for it to be profitable, the gain from the exploit of a platform dependent on the TWAP needs to be higher than the donation to the Well contract used to skew the ratio. An example is provided:

Assume a Well holding 100 ETH : 100000 USDC, Fair ratio is 1:1000.
Last trade happens at t = T
Time is now t = T + 1000 sec.
Cumulative reserves in oracle contract are [X, Y]. To remind, they are calculated as

pumpState.cumulativeReserves[i] =    pumpState.cumulativeReserves[i].add(pumpState.lastReserves[i].mul(deltaTimestampBytes));
  1. Attacker identifies a Lending platform which uses the TWAP to determine ETH/USD value. ETH collat ratio is 90%

  2. User calls exploit contract
    * take a flashloan of 1000 ETH
    * transfer 100 ETH to the Well
    * call sync() , new reserves are 200 : 100,000.
    * call swapFrom(), to swap 1 wei of ETH. Pump update is triggered, with new reserve ratio:
    * Cumulative = [X,Y] + [200 * 1000, 100000 * 1000]
    * Victim queries TWAP price, which calculates:

    twaReserves = ([X + 2001000, Y + 100001000]-[X,Y]) / 1000
    twaReserves = [200, 10000]

* Assumed ETH price is $500 USD
* exploit contract converts 900 ETH to 900,000 USDC
* exploit contract deposits 900,000 USDC as collateral
* exploit contract borrows 900,000 / $500 * 90% (max loan ratio) = 1620 ETH
* exploit contract repays 1000 ETH flashloan with loaned ETH
* attacker exits with 620ETH of profit, minus swap fees

Tools Used

Manual audit

Recommended Mitigation Steps

In the sync() function, call the _updatePumps() function, even though the current reserve count is not necessary.

Assessed type


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