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HistoryJul 10, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

A malicious user can steal a reserved token by using shift() function of Well.sol if the well was added liquidity unsafely with zero amount of the one of tokens.

malicious user
reserved token
shift() function
security vulnerability
token amount

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


A malicious user can steal a reserved token by using shift() function of Well.sol if the well was added liquidity unsafely with zero amount of the one of tokens.

Proof of Concept

Let’s assume the well with WETH and USDC tokens. Currently totalSupply() is zero.
A user will add liquidity with WETH token 1000 * 1e18 and USDC token 0 by calling addLiquidity() function.

uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](2);
amounts[0] = 1000 * 1e18; // WETH amount
amounts[1] = 0; // USDC amount
uint256 lpAmountOut = well.addLiquidity(amounts, 0, user, type(uint256).max);

And then lpAmountOut will be zero, because amounts[1] is 0 when calculate lpTokenSupply in ConstantProduct2.sol.


    function _addLiquidity(
        uint256[] memory tokenAmountsIn,
        uint256 minLpAmountOut,
        address recipient,
        bool feeOnTransfer
    ) internal returns (uint256 lpAmountOut) {
        lpAmountOut = _calcLpTokenSupply(wellFunction(), reserves) - totalSupply();
        if (lpAmountOut &lt; minLpAmountOut) {
            revert SlippageOut(lpAmountOut, minLpAmountOut);

        _mint(recipient, lpAmountOut);
        _setReserves(_tokens, reserves);
        emit AddLiquidity(tokenAmountsIn, lpAmountOut, recipient);

In above code, reserves[0] = 1000 * 1e18, reserves[1] = 0 from tokenAmountsIn argument(amounts).

    function calcLpTokenSupply(
        uint256[] calldata reserves,
        bytes calldata
    ) external pure override returns (uint256 lpTokenSupply) {
        lpTokenSupply = (reserves[0] * reserves[1] * EXP_PRECISION).sqrt();

And so lpAmountOut will be zero and will mint 0 LP in _addLiquidity() function, at all, totalSupply() is still 0 even though WETH token was reserved 1000 * 1e18.

A malicious user will manually transfer very small USDC (i.e. 1 USDC) to the well address to avoid division by zero and will call shift() function to transfer all WETH (1000 * 1e18) to his recipient address.

IERC20(USDC).safeTransfer(well, 1e6);
well.shift(WETH, 1, recipient);

And then amountOut will be all WETH (1000 * 1e18) in shift() function because _calcReserve() will return 0 as totalSupply() is still 0 by calcReserve() function in ConstantProduct2.sol.


    function shift(
        IERC20 tokenOut,
        uint256 minAmountOut,
        address recipient
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        for (uint256 i; i &lt; _tokens.length; ++i) {
            reserves[i] = _tokens[i].balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 j = _getJ(_tokens, tokenOut);
        amountOut = reserves[j] - _calcReserve(wellFunction(), reserves, j, totalSupply());
        if (amountOut &gt;= minAmountOut) {
            tokenOut.safeTransfer(recipient, amountOut);
            reserves[j] -= amountOut;
            _setReserves(_tokens, reserves);
            emit Shift(reserves, tokenOut, amountOut, recipient);
        } else {
            revert SlippageOut(amountOut, minAmountOut);

j = 0 and reserves[j] is 1000 * 1e18 as the balance of WETH token of the well, and _calcReserve() will return 0, because totalSupply() is 0, and so amountOut = 1000 * 1e18.

    function calcReserve(
        uint256[] calldata reserves,
        uint256 j,
        uint256 lpTokenSupply,
        bytes calldata
    ) external pure override returns (uint256 reserve) {
        // Note: potential optimization is to use unchecked math here
        reserve = lpTokenSupply ** 2;
        reserve = LibMath.roundUpDiv(reserve, reserves[j == 1 ? 0 : 1] * EXP_PRECISION);

At all, all WETH will be transferred to the malicious recipient address in shift() function.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

If totalSupply() is zero and the one of stored reserves is 0, it should be reverted in shift() function.
We can easily implement _isZeroOneReserved() internal function and define totalSupplyAndOneReservedZero() error in Well.sol.

    function shift(
        IERC20 tokenOut,
        uint256 minAmountOut,
        address recipient
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 amountOut) {

        if (totalSupply() == 0 && _isZeroOneReserved()) revert totalSupplyAndOneReservedZero();
        IERC20[] memory _tokens = tokens();
        uint256[] memory reserves = new uint256[](_tokens.length);

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