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HistoryJul 10, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Pump is not updated in shift function

proof of concept

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


According to comments in Well contract, _updatePumps function β€œFetches the current token reserves of the Well and updates the Pumps. Typically called before an operation that modifies the Well’s reserves.”

In functions like swap, add/remove liquidity _updatePumps is called, but in shift function pumps are not updated even though the function works like a swap function, where reserves are changed.

As a result - pumps are not updated when they are expected to.

Proof of Concept

Function Well._updatePumps

    function _updatePumps(uint256 _numberOfTokens) internal returns (uint256[] memory reserves) {
        reserves = _getReserves(_numberOfTokens);

        if (numberOfPumps() == 0) {
            return reserves;

        // gas optimization: avoid looping if there is only one pump
        if (numberOfPumps() == 1) {
            Call memory _pump = firstPump();
            // Don't revert if the update call fails.
            try IPump(, {}
            catch {
                // ignore reversion. If an external shutoff mechanism is added to a Pump, it could be called here.
        } else {
            Call[] memory _pumps = pumps();
            for (uint256 i; i < _pumps.length; ++i) {
                // Don't revert if the update call fails.
                try IPump(_pumps[i].target).update(reserves, _pumps[i].data) {}
                catch {
                    // ignore reversion. If an external shutoff mechanism is added to a Pump, it could be called here.

is called in:

This is correct according to the comments in the contract.

However, in shift (which functions like a swapFrom and swapTo function) _updatePumps function is not called even though the reserves are updated

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add _updatePumps function to shift function.

    function shift(
        IERC20 tokenOut,
        uint256 minAmountOut,
        address recipient
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        IERC20[] memory _tokens = tokens();
        uint256[] memory reserves = new uint256[](_tokens.length);

        // Use the balances of the pool instead of the stored reserves.
        // If there is a change in token balances relative to the currently
        // stored reserves, the extra tokens can be shifted into tokenOut.
        for (uint256 i; i < _tokens.length; ++i) {
            reserves[i] = _tokens[i].balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 j = _getJ(_tokens, tokenOut);
        amountOut = reserves[j] - _calcReserve(wellFunction(), reserves, j, totalSupply());

        if (amountOut >= minAmountOut) {
            tokenOut.safeTransfer(recipient, amountOut);
            reserves[j] -= amountOut;
            _setReserves(_tokens, reserves);
            emit Shift(reserves, tokenOut, amountOut, recipient);
        } else {
            revert SlippageOut(amountOut, minAmountOut);

Assessed type


The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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