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HistoryMay 11, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Incorrect calculation of the remaining updatedRewards leads to possible underflow error

underflow error

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


RewardsManage.sol keeps track of the total number of rewards collected per epoch for all pools:

File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
73:    /// @dev epoch =&gt; rewards claimed mapping.
74:    mapping(uint256 =&gt; uint256) public override rewardsClaimed;
75:    /// @dev epoch =&gt; update bucket rate rewards claimed mapping.
76:    mapping(uint256 =&gt; uint256) public override updateRewardsClaimed;

And the rewardsCap calculation when calculating the reward applies only to the pool, which leads to a situation when the condition is fulfilled rewardsClaimedInEpoch + updatedRewards_ >= rewardsCap, But rewardsCap is less than rewardsClaimedInEpoch:

File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol

-543:         uint256 rewardsCapped = Maths.wmul(REWARD_CAP, totalBurnedInPeriod);
545:         // Check rewards claimed - check that less than 80% of the tokens for a given burn event have been claimed.
-546:         if (rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ + newRewards_ &gt; rewardsCapped) {
548:             // set claim reward to difference between cap and reward
-549:             newRewards_ = rewardsCapped - rewardsClaimedInEpoch_; // @audit rewardsCapped can be less then  rewardsClaimedInEpoch_
550:         }

719:         uint256 rewardsCap            = Maths.wmul(UPDATE_CAP, totalBurned); // @audit in one pool
-720:        uint256 rewardsClaimedInEpoch = updateRewardsClaimed[curBurnEpoch];
722:         // update total tokens claimed for updating bucket exchange rates tracker
723:         if (rewardsClaimedInEpoch + updatedRewards_ &gt;= rewardsCap) {
724:              // if update reward is greater than cap, set to remaining difference
-725:             updatedRewards_ = rewardsCap - rewardsClaimedInEpoch; // @audit rewardsCap can be less then rewardsClaimedInEpoch
726:         }
728:         // accumulate the full amount of additional rewards
-729:        updateRewardsClaimed[curBurnEpoch] += updatedRewards_; // @audit increase per epoch

which causes an underflow erorr in the result updatedRewards_ = rewardsCap - rewardsClaimedInEpoch where rewardsCap < rewardsClaimedInEpoch, this error leads to a transaction fail, which will further temporarily/permanently block actions with NFT as unstake/claimRewards for pools in which rewardsCap will fail less than the total rewardsClaimedInEpoch

We have 2 instances of this problem::

  1. during the call _calculateNewRewards
  2. during the call _updateBucketExchangeRates

a failure in any of these will result in users of certain pools being unable to withdraw their NFTs as well as the reward

Proof of Concept

Let’s take a closer look at the problem and why this is possible:

  1. We have a general calculation of rewards taken per epoch:
File: ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol

71:     /// @dev epoch =&gt; rewards claimed mapping.
72:     mapping(uint256 =&gt; uint256) public override rewardsClaimed;
73:     /// @dev epoch =&gt; update bucket rate rewards claimed mapping.
74:     mapping(uint256 =&gt; uint256) public override updateRewardsClaimed;
  1. The state is updated for the epoch by the amount calculated for each pool:
File: ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol

396:         for (uint256 epoch = lastClaimedEpoch; epoch &lt; epochToClaim_; ) {

410:             // update epoch token claim trackers
411:             rewardsClaimed[epoch]           += nextEpochRewards;

413:         }

676:         uint256 curBurnEpoch = IPool(pool_).currentBurnEpoch();

728:                 // accumulate the full amount of additional rewards
729:                 updateRewardsClaimed[curBurnEpoch] += updatedRewards_;
  1. At the time of calculation of the reward for the update:
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol

526:         (
527:             ,
528:             // total interest accumulated by the pool over the claim period
+529:             uint256 totalBurnedInPeriod,
530:             // total tokens burned over the claim period
531:             uint256 totalInterestEarnedInPeriod
532:         ) = _getPoolAccumulators(ajnaPool_, nextEpoch_, epoch_);
534:         // calculate rewards earned
+543:         uint256 rewardsCapped = Maths.wmul(REWARD_CAP, totalBurnedInPeriod);
545:         // Check rewards claimed - check that less than 80% of the tokens for a given burn event have been claimed.
546:         if (rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ + newRewards_ &gt; rewardsCapped) {
548:             // set claim reward to difference between cap and reward
+549:             newRewards_ = rewardsCapped - rewardsClaimedInEpoch_; // @audit
550:         }

We have a situation where rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ has been updated by other pools to something like 100e18,
and rewardsCapped for the other pool was 30e18, resulting in:
rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ + newRewards_ > rewardsCapped
and of course we catch the underflow at the time of calculating the remainder, 30e18 - 100e18, since there is no remainder
newRewards_ = rewardsCapped - rewardsClaimedInEpoch_

To check the problem, you need to raise rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ more than the rewardsCap of a certain pool, with the help of other pools,

rewardsCap is a percentage of burned tokens in the pool… so it’s possible

Tools Used

  • Manual review
  • Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  • Add additional requirements that if rewardsClaimedInEpoch > rewardsCap that updatedRewards_ should be zero, not need calculate remaining difference

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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