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HistoryApr 08, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

CollectionBatchBuyOperator.sol: tokenIds array is not shortened properly which makes execute function revert when not all NFTs are purchased successfully

execute function
tokenids array
test case

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The CollectionBatchBuyOperator contract allows parties to buy NFTs through proposals.

The proposal specifies an nftContract and token IDs (via the nftTokenIdsMerkleRoot parameter) that can be bought.

Allowed executors can then execute the actual purchase by executing the proposal and providing execution data.

The execution data specifies which token IDs to buy, where to buy them from and the price to buy the tokens for.

The CollectionBatchBuyOperator.execute function is supposed to succeed even when not all purchases are successful.

This is achieved by skipping over failed purchases:


    // Execute the call to buy the NFT.
    (bool success, ) = _buy(, callValue,;

    if (!success) continue;

Later in the function the NFTs that have been bought are transferred to the party:


for (uint256 i; i < tokenIds.length; ++i) {
    op.nftContract.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, tokenIds[i]);

If at least one NFT purchase has failed, the tokenIds array is bigger than the amount of NFTs that has actually been purchased. In other words there are empty spots at the end of the tokenIds array, i.e. the value that is stored there is zero.

Therefore, before transferring the NFTs, the tokenIds array needs to be shortened such that it is not attempted to transfer tokenId=0.

The contract uses the following code to achieve this:


assembly {
    // Update length of tokenIds
    mstore(mload(ex), tokensBought)

This code is wrong as I will explain later.

The impact of this is that when not all purchases are successful the function reverts because it attempts to transfer the tokenId=0 (since there are empty spots in the tokenIds array and the array is not shortened).

So the execution of the proposal will fail when it should actually succeed.

Proof of Concept

Let’s have a look again at the code to shorten the tokenIds array:


assembly {
    // Update length of tokenIds
    mstore(mload(ex), tokensBought)

It loads the first 32 bytes of ex from memory (ex is a CollectionBatchBuyExecutionData struct) and stores tokensBought in the memory location where the 32 bytes point to.

This has nothing to do with shortening the tokenIds array.

The correct code would be:

assembly {
    // Update length of tokenIds
    mstore(tokenIds, tokensBought)

This writes tokensBought to the first 32 bytes slot of the tokenIds array which is where the size of the array is stored.

There exists a test case for this scenario in the CollectionBatchBuyOperator.t.sol test file. However the test contains an error which makes the test pass even though the tokenIds array is not shortened.

Apply these changes to the test file:

diff --git a/sol-tests/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.t.sol b/sol-tests/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.t.sol
index 3956e84..a944c74 100644
--- a/sol-tests/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.t.sol
+++ b/sol-tests/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.t.sol
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ contract CollectionBatchBuyOperatorTest is Test, TestUtils, ERC721Receiver {
         bytes memory executionData = abi.encode(
                 calls: calls,
-                numOfTokens: 2
+                numOfTokens: 3

Notice that when running the test (with the changes to the test file applied) it fails since the tokenIds array is not shortened properly.

Then also apply the changes to the source file (shortening the array properly) and see that the test passes.

Tools Used

VSCode, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

As explained above, this is how to properly shorten the tokenIds array:

diff --git a/contracts/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.sol b/contracts/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.sol
index 4b1dcc9..fffa5e9 100644
--- a/contracts/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.sol
+++ b/contracts/operators/CollectionBatchBuyOperator.sol
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ contract CollectionBatchBuyOperator is IOperator {
         assembly {
             // Update length of tokenIds
-            mstore(mload(ex), tokensBought)
+            mstore(tokenIds, tokensBought)

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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