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HistoryApr 06, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

VetoProposal: user can veto multiple times so every proposal can be votoed by any user that has a small amount of votes

user veto
small votes
critical bug

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The VetoProposal contract allows to veto proposals with the voteToVeto function.

When the amount of votes collected to veto a proposal exceeds a certain threshold (the passThresholdBps, which is determined upon initialization of the party), the proposal is vetoed, meaning it cannot execute anymore (its status becomes Defeated).

The passThresholdBps specifies a percentage of the totalVotingPower of the party.

E.g. passThresholdBps=1000 means that 10% of the totalVotingPower must veto a proposal such that the veto goes through.

The issue is that the contract lacks the obvious check that a user has not vetoed before, thereby a user can veto multiple times.

So say a user holds 1% of totalVotingPower and in order for the veto to go through, 10% of totalVotingPower must veto.

The user can just veto 10 times to reach the 10% requirement.

The impact is obvious: Any user with a small amount of votes can veto any proposal. This is a critical bug since the party may become unable to perform any actions if there is a user that vetoes all proposals.

Proof of Concept

Add the following test to the VetoProposal.t.sol test file:

function test_VetoMoreThanOnce() public {

    // Vote to veto
    vetoProposal.voteToVeto(party, proposalId, 0);

    assertEq(vetoProposal.vetoVotes(party, proposalId), 1e18);

    // Vote to veto (passes threshold)
    vetoProposal.voteToVeto(party, proposalId, 0);

    assertEq(vetoProposal.vetoVotes(party, proposalId), 0); // Cleared after proposal is vetoed

In the test file, these are the conditions: totalVotingPower = 3e18, required votes threshold is 51%, voter1 has 1e18 votes which is ~33%. Clearly voter1 should not be able to veto the proposal on his own.

You can see in the test that voter1 can veto 2 times.
After the first call to voteToVeto, the threshold is not yet reached (the proposal is still in the Voting state).

After the second call to voteToVeto the threshold is reached and the proposal is in the Defeated state.

Tools Used

VSCode, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The fix is straightforward.

We introduce a hasVoted mapping that tracks for each (party, proposalId, address) triplet if it has vetoed already.


diff --git a/contracts/proposals/VetoProposal.sol b/contracts/proposals/VetoProposal.sol
index 780826f..fb1f1ab 100644
--- a/contracts/proposals/VetoProposal.sol
+++ b/contracts/proposals/VetoProposal.sol
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ import "../party/Party.sol";
 contract VetoProposal {
     error NotPartyHostError();
     error ProposalNotActiveError(uint256 proposalId);
+    error AlreadyVotedError(address caller);
     /// @notice Mapping from party to proposal ID to votes to veto the proposal.
     mapping(Party => mapping(uint256 => uint96)) public vetoVotes;
+    mapping(Party => mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => bool))) public hasVoted;
     /// @notice Vote to veto a proposal.
     /// @param party The party to vote on.
@@ -33,6 +35,12 @@ contract VetoProposal {
         if (proposalStatus != PartyGovernance.ProposalStatus.Voting)
             revert ProposalNotActiveError(proposalId);
+        if (hasVoted[party][proposalId][msg.sender]) {
+            revert AlreadyVotedError(msg.sender);
+        }
+        hasVoted[party][proposalId][msg.sender] = true;
         // Increase the veto vote count
         uint96 votingPower = party.getVotingPowerAt(

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