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HistoryMar 15, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

User can call getReward multiple times causing 51% attack

neo tokyo staking program
51% attack
multiple rewards
function vulnerability
inflated token distribution
risk of inflation

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The Neo Tokyo staking program operates as follows:

The staker is a competitive system where stakers compete for a fixed emission rate in each of the S1 Citizen, S2 Citizen, and LP token staking pools. Stakers “may” choose to lock their assets for some period of time, preventing withdrawal, in exchange for a multiplying bonus to their share of points in competing for BYTES 2.0 token emissions.

function getReward (address _to) external {
			uint256 reward,
			uint256 daoCommision 
		= IStaker(STAKER).claimReward(_to);

		// Mint both reward BYTES and the DAO tax to targeted recipients.
		if (reward &gt; 0) {
			_mint(_to, reward);
		if (daoCommision &gt; 0) {
			_mint(TREASURY, daoCommision);

Considering this function is marked as external, it can be called by an EOA.
This means that a user can call this function multiple times in a day to claim multiple rewards.
This is not the intended behavior.

A malicious user called BOB can continuously call getReward from various wallets to claim rewards from different wallets. The only check in place, is that the rewards must be greater than 0 in order to mint to both the address “_to” and the TREASURY address.

This could mean there can be significant amounts of tokens minted to all addresses, more than what is intended.
So you will end up with an attacker or attackers who have multiple tokens across various wallets and an over inflated treasury worth of tokens.

This is evidenced below. As you can see, Bob can only call _mint once, but he can call getReward multiple times,
with various wallets.

 function _mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) internal virtual {
        require(to != address(0), "ERC721: mint to the zero address");
        require(!_exists(tokenId), "ERC721: token already minted");

        _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), to, tokenId);

        _balances[to] += 1;
        _owners[tokenId] = to;

        emit Transfer(address(0), to, tokenId);

The fact that the function can be called multiple times by a single user can still result
in a disproportionate distribution of rewards, as the proportion of the pool that the user receives is based on
the length of time their assets have been staked. So a malicious user could potentially accumulate a large
proportion of the rewards by repeatedly calling getreward from different addresses, even if they can’t mint more
tokens each time. The other scenario to consider is a malicious user reducing their rewards to 0 by claiming
BYTES tokens and then calling getReward multiple times additionally from various wallets.

Really important to address the risk of inflation and the 51% attack, to keep the integrity and value of the Bytes token.

Tools Used

vs code/manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Refactored code:

mapping(address =&gt; uint256) private lastRewardTime;

function getReward(address _to) external {
    // Check that the user has an active stake.
    require(IStaker(STAKER).balanceOf(msg.sender) &gt; 0, "No active stake found.");

    // Check that the user has rewards to claim.
    require(IStaker(STAKER).earned(msg.sender) &gt; 0, "No rewards to claim.");

    // Record the current time as the last reward time for the user.
    lastRewardTime[msg.sender] = block.timestamp;

    // Claim the user's rewards.
    (uint256 reward, uint256 daoCommision) = IStaker(STAKER).claimReward(msg.sender);

    // Mint both reward BYTES and the DAO tax to targeted recipients.
    _mint(_to, reward);
    if (daoCommision &gt; 0) {
        _mint(TREASURY, daoCommision);

With this modification, the getReward function should now revert if a user with 0 rewards attempts to claim rewards.

You could also add a time buffer to mitigate this issue, which is optional.

    // Check that the user has not claimed rewards in the past 24 hours.
    require(block.timestamp &gt;= lastRewardTime[msg.sender] + 24 hours, "Rewards can only be claimed once per day.");

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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