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HistoryFeb 21, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

KUMAFeeCollector.changePayees() executes incorrectly when newPayees contains duplicate items

duplicate payees
incorrect state
proof of concept
code vulnerability

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


When calling KUMAFeeCollector.changePayees() with duplicate payees in newPayees, the call is not reverted and the result state will be incorrect.

Proof of Concept

Contract KUMAFeeCollector does not support duplicate payees. The transaction will revert when trying to add duplicate payees in addPayee():

function addPayee(address payee, uint256 share) external override onlyManager {
    if (_payees.contains(payee)) {
        revert Errors.PAYEE_ALREADY_EXISTS();

But, function KUMAFeeCollector.changePayees() forgets this constraint, which allows duplicate payees to be passed in newPayees. This will cause the contract to record an incorrect state and not work properly.

For example, if newPayees contains duplicate payee A, all of its shares will be added to _totalShares, but _shares[A] will only record the last one.
As a result, the sum of all recorded _shares will less than _totalShares.

Test code for PoC:

diff --git a/test/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.t.sol b/test/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.t.sol
index f34d9ff..0b3fe46 100644
--- a/test/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.t.sol
+++ b/test/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.t.sol
@@ -40,6 +40,39 @@ contract KUMAFeeCollectorTest is BaseSetUp {

+    function test_DuplicatePayees() public {
+        address[] memory newPayees = new address[](4);
+        uint256[] memory newShares = new uint256[](4);
+        newPayees[0] = vm.addr(10);
+        newPayees[1] = vm.addr(10);
+        newPayees[2] = vm.addr(11);
+        newPayees[3] = vm.addr(12);
+        newShares[0] = 25;
+        newShares[1] = 25;
+        newShares[2] = 25;
+        newShares[3] = 25;
+        _KUMAFeeCollector.changePayees(newPayees, newShares);
+        // only 3 payees
+        assertEq(_KUMAFeeCollector.getPayees().length, 3);
+        // newPayees[0] and newPayees[1] are identical and both are added as payees[0]
+        address[] memory payees = _KUMAFeeCollector.getPayees();
+        assertEq(payees[0], newPayees[1]);
+        assertEq(payees[1], newPayees[2]);
+        assertEq(payees[2], newPayees[3]);
+        uint256 countedTotalShares = 0;
+        for (uint i; i < payees.length; i++) {
+            countedTotalShares += _KUMAFeeCollector.getShare(payees[i]);
+        }
+        // Counted totalShares is 75 (100 - 25)
+        assertEq(countedTotalShares, 75);
+        // Recorded totalShares is 100
+        assertEq(_KUMAFeeCollector.getTotalShares(), 100);
+    }
     function test_initialize() public {
         assertEq(address(_KUMAFeeCollector.getKUMAAddressProvider()), address(_KUMAAddressProvider));
         assertEq(_KUMAFeeCollector.getRiskCategory(), _RISK_CATEGORY);


forge test -m test_DuplicatePayees
[⠔] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 1 test for test/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.t.sol:KUMAFeeCollectorTest
[PASS] test_DuplicatePayees() (gas: 259689)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 7.39ms

Tools Used

VS Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

KUMAFeeCollector.changePayees() should revert if there are duplicates in newPayees:

diff --git a/src/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.sol b/src/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.sol
index 402cf71..1a9d86d 100644
--- a/src/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.sol
+++ b/src/kuma-protocol/KUMAFeeCollector.sol
@@ -180,7 +180,9 @@ contract KUMAFeeCollector is IKUMAFeeCollector, UUPSUpgradeable, Initializable {

             address payee = newPayees[i];
-            _payees.add(payee);
+            if (!_payees.add(payee)) {
+                revert Errors.PAYEE_ALREADY_EXISTS();
+            }
             _shares[payee] = newShares[i];
             _totalShares += newShares[i];

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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