Lucene search

HistoryJan 30, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Immutable varibles should be checked to there default values

immutable variables
default values
wasted quest creation
zero rewards

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


 It is very important to check whether the immutable variables are not equal to the default values because if  Quest is created and when we pass a 
 default value to a variable then it can't be changed and it can lead to a problem.

Proof of Concept

  Suppose while creating quests we have passed the total participants equal to 0 then  creating this quest is actually wasted because no one can mint 
  an NFT and claim the reward and also with the rewardAmountInWeiOrTokenId if it passed 0 even if they are claimers then the rewards will be 0 only.

Tools Used

  Pen and Paper    

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  Always have the immutable variables check whether they are not equal to their default value.

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