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HistoryDec 19, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Orders may not be fillable due to missing approvals

missing approvals
ierc20 implementations
approval failure
list validation
opensea conduit
mitigation steps
code inspection

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Not all IERC20 implementations revert() when there’s a failure in approve(). If one of these tokens returns false, there is no check for whether this has happened during the order listing validation, so it will only be detected when the order is attempted.


If the approval failure isn’t detected, the listing will never be fillable, because the funds won’t be able to be pulled from the opensea conduit. Once this happens, and if it’s detected, the only way to fix it is to create a counter-listing at a lower price (which may be below the market value of the tokens), waiting for the order to expire (which it may never), or by buying out all of the Rae to cancel the order (very expensive and defeats the purpose of pooling funds in the first place).

Proof of Concept

The return value of approve() isn’t checked, so the order will be allowed to be listed without having approved the conduit:

// File: src/seaport/targets/SeaportLister.sol : SeaportLister.validateListing()   #1

29                for (uint256 i; i < ordersLength; ++i) {
30                    uint256 offerLength = _orders[i].parameters.offer.length;
31                    for (uint256 j; j < offerLength; ++j) {
32                        OfferItem memory offer = _orders[i].parameters.offer[j];
33                        address token = offer.token;
34                        ItemType itemType = offer.itemType;
35                        if (itemType == ItemType.ERC721)
36                            IERC721(token).setApprovalForAll(conduit, true);
37                        if (itemType == ItemType.ERC1155)
38                            IERC1155(token).setApprovalForAll(conduit, true);
39                        if (itemType == ItemType.ERC20)
40 @>                         IERC20(token).approve(conduit, type(uint256).max);
41                    }
42                }
43            }
44            // Validates the order on-chain so no signature is required to fill it
45            assert(ConsiderationInterface(_consideration).validate(_orders));
46:       }


Tools Used

Code inspection

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use OpenZeppelin’s safeApprove(), which checks the return code and reverts if it’s not success

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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