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HistoryDec 21, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Collateral NFT deposited to a wrong address, when transferred directly to PaprController


Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Users will lose collateral NFTs when they are transferred to PaprController by an approved address or an operator.

Proof of Concept

The PaprController allows users to deposit NFTs as collateral to borrow Papr tokens. One of the way of depositing is by transferring an NFT to the contract directly via a call to safeTransferFrom: the contract implements the onERC721Received hook that will handle accounting of the transferred NFT (PaprController.sol#L159). However, the hook implementation uses a wrong argument to identify token owner: the first argument, which is used by the contract to identify token owner, is the address of the safeTransferFrom function caller, which may be an approved address or an operator. The actual owner address is the second argument (ERC721.sol#L436):

try IERC721Receiver(to).onERC721Received(_msgSender(), from, tokenId, data) returns (bytes4 retval) {

Thus, when an NFT is sent by an approved address or an operator, it’ll be deposited to the vault of the approved address or operator:

// test/paprController/OnERC721ReceivedTest.sol

function testSafeTransferByOperator_AUDIT() public {
    address operator = address(0x12345);

    nft.setApprovalForAll(operator, true);

    nft.safeTransferFrom(borrower, address(controller), collateralId, abi.encode(safeTransferReceivedArgs));

    // NFT was deposited to the operator's vault.
    IPaprController.VaultInfo memory vaultInfo = controller.vaultInfo(operator, collateral.addr);
    assertEq(vaultInfo.count, 1);

    // Borrower has 0 tokens in collateral.
    vaultInfo = controller.vaultInfo(borrower, collateral.addr);
    assertEq(vaultInfo.count, 0);

function testSafeTransferByApproved_AUDIT() public {
    address approved = address(0x12345);

    nft.approve(approved, collateralId);

    nft.safeTransferFrom(borrower, address(controller), collateralId, abi.encode(safeTransferReceivedArgs));

    // NFT was deposited to the approved address's vault.
    IPaprController.VaultInfo memory vaultInfo = controller.vaultInfo(approved, collateral.addr);
    assertEq(vaultInfo.count, 1);

    // Borrower has 0 tokens in collateral.
    vaultInfo = controller.vaultInfo(borrower, collateral.addr);
    assertEq(vaultInfo.count, 0);

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider this change:

--- a/src/PaprController.sol
+++ b/src/PaprController.sol
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ contract PaprController is
     /// @param _id the id of the NFT
     /// @param data encoded IPaprController.OnERC721ReceivedArgs
     /// @return selector indicating succesful receiving of the NFT
-    function onERC721Received(address from, address, uint256 _id, bytes calldata data)
+    function onERC721Received(address, address from, uint256 _id, bytes calldata data)
         returns (bytes4)  

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