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HistoryNov 28, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

fee loss in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp and reward loss in AutoPxGlp by calling PirexRewards.claim(pxGmx/pxGpl, AutoPx*) directly which transfers rewards to AutoPx* pool without compound logic get executed and fee calculation logic and pxGmx wouldn't be executed for those rewards

vulnerability details
proof of concept
fee loss
reward loss
claim function
compound logic
fee calculation
reward calculation
pxgmx rewards

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Function compound() in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp contracts is for compounding pxGLP (and additionally pxGMX) rewards. it works by calling PirexGmx.claim(px*, this) to collect the rewards of the vault and then swap the received amount (to calculate the reward, contract save the balance of a contract in that reward token before and after the call to the claim() and by subtracting them finds the received reward amount) and deposit them in PirexGmx again for compounding and in doing so it calculates fee based on what it received and in AutoPxGlp case it calculates pxGMX rewards too based on the extra amount contract receives during the execution of claim(). but attacker can call PirexGmx.claim(px*, PirexGlp) directly and make PirexGmx contract to transfer (gmxBaseReward and pxGmx) rewards to AutoPxGlp and in this case the logics of fee calculation and reward calculation in compound() function won’t get executed and contract won’t get it’s fee from rewards and users won’t get their pxGmx reward. so this bug would cause fee loss in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp for contract and pxGmx’s reward loss for users in AutoPxGlp.

Proof of Concept

the bug in in AutoPxGmx is similar to AutoPxGlp, so we only give Proof of Concept for AutoPxGlp.
This is compound() function code in AutoPxGlp contract:

    function compound(
        uint256 minUsdg,
        uint256 minGlp,
        bool optOutIncentive
        returns (
            uint256 gmxBaseRewardAmountIn,
            uint256 pxGmxAmountOut,
            uint256 pxGlpAmountOut,
            uint256 totalPxGlpFee,
            uint256 totalPxGmxFee,
            uint256 pxGlpIncentive,
            uint256 pxGmxIncentive
        if (minUsdg == 0) revert InvalidParam();
        if (minGlp == 0) revert InvalidParam();

        uint256 preClaimTotalAssets = asset.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 preClaimPxGmxAmount = pxGmx.balanceOf(address(this));

        PirexRewards(rewardsModule).claim(asset, address(this));
        PirexRewards(rewardsModule).claim(pxGmx, address(this));

        // Track the amount of rewards received
        gmxBaseRewardAmountIn = gmxBaseReward.balanceOf(address(this));

        if (gmxBaseRewardAmountIn != 0) {
            // Deposit received rewards for pxGLP
            (, pxGlpAmountOut, ) = PirexGmx(platform).depositGlp(

        // Distribute fees if the amount of vault assets increased
        uint256 newAssets = totalAssets() - preClaimTotalAssets;
        if (newAssets != 0) {
            totalPxGlpFee = (newAssets * platformFee) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
            pxGlpIncentive = optOutIncentive
                ? 0
                : (totalPxGlpFee * compoundIncentive) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;

            if (pxGlpIncentive != 0)
                asset.safeTransfer(msg.sender, pxGlpIncentive);

            asset.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGlpFee - pxGlpIncentive);

        // Track the amount of pxGMX received
        pxGmxAmountOut = pxGmx.balanceOf(address(this)) - preClaimPxGmxAmount;

        if (pxGmxAmountOut != 0) {
            // Calculate and distribute pxGMX fees if the amount of pxGMX increased
            totalPxGmxFee = (pxGmxAmountOut * platformFee) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
            pxGmxIncentive = optOutIncentive
                ? 0
                : (totalPxGmxFee * compoundIncentive) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;

            if (pxGmxIncentive != 0)
                pxGmx.safeTransfer(msg.sender, pxGmxIncentive);

            pxGmx.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGmxFee - pxGmxIncentive);

            // Update the pxGmx reward accrual
            _harvest(pxGmxAmountOut - totalPxGmxFee);
        } else {
            // Required to keep the globalState up-to-date

        emit Compounded(

As you can see contract collects rewards by calling PirexRewards.claim() and in the line uint256 newAssets = totalAssets() - preClaimTotalAssets; contract calculates the received amount of rewards(by subtracting the balance after and before reward claim) and then calculates fee based on this amount totalPxGlpFee = (newAssets * platformFee) / FEE_DENOMINATOR; and then sends the fee in the line asset.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGlpFee - pxGlpIncentive) for owner. the logic for pxGmx rewards are the same. As you can see the calculation of fee is based on the rewards received, and there is no other logic in the contract to calculate and transfer the fee of protocol. so if AutoPxGpl receives rewards without compound() getting called then for those rewards fee won’t be calculated and transferred and protocol would lose it’s fee.
In the line _harvest(pxGmxAmountOut - totalPxGmxFee) contract calls _harvest() function to update the pxGmx reward accrual and there is no call to _harvest() in any other place and this is the only place where pxGmx reward accrual gets updated. contract uses pxGmxAmountOut which is the amount of gmx contract received during the call (code calculates it by subtracting the balance after and before reward claim: pxGmxAmountOut = pxGmx.balanceOf(address(this)) - preClaimPxGmxAmount;) so contract only handles accrual rewards in this function call and if some pxGmx rewards claimed for contract without compund() logic execution then those rewards won’t be used in _harvest() and _globalAccrue() calculation and users won’t receive those rewards.
As mentioned attacker can call PirexRewards.claim(pxGmx, AutoPxGpl) directly and make PirexRewads contract to transfer AutoPxGpl rewards. This is claim() code in PirexRewards:

    function claim(ERC20 producerToken, address user) external {
        if (address(producerToken) == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
        if (user == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

        userAccrue(producerToken, user);

        ProducerToken storage p = producerTokens[producerToken];
        uint256 globalRewards = p.globalState.rewards;
        uint256 userRewards = p.userStates[user].rewards;

        // Claim should be skipped and not reverted on zero global/user reward
        if (globalRewards != 0 && userRewards != 0) {
            ERC20[] memory rewardTokens = p.rewardTokens;
            uint256 rLen = rewardTokens.length;

            // Update global and user reward states to reflect the claim
            p.globalState.rewards = globalRewards - userRewards;
            p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;

            emit Claim(producerToken, user);

            // Transfer the proportionate reward token amounts to the recipient
            for (uint256 i; i &lt; rLen; ++i) {
                ERC20 rewardToken = rewardTokens[i];
                address rewardRecipient = p.rewardRecipients[user][rewardToken];
                address recipient = rewardRecipient != address(0)
                    ? rewardRecipient
                    : user;
                uint256 rewardState = p.rewardStates[rewardToken];
                uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;

                if (amount != 0) {
                    // Update reward state (i.e. amount) to reflect reward tokens transferred out
                    p.rewardStates[rewardToken] = rewardState - amount;


As you can see it can be called by anyone for any user. so to perform this attack, attacker would perform this steps:

  1. suppose AutoPxGpl has pending rewards, for example 100 pxGmx and 100 weth.
  2. attacker would call PirexRewards.claim(pxGmx, AutoPxGpl) and PirexRewards.claim(pxGpl, AutoPxGpl) and PirexRewards contract would calculate and claim and transfer pxGmx rewards and weth rewards of AutoPxGpl address.
  3. then AutoPxGpl has no pending rewards but the balance of pxGmx and weth of contract has been increased.
  4. if anyone call AutoPxGpl.compound() because there is no pending rewards contract would receive no rewards and because contract only calculates fee and rewards based on received rewards during the call to compound() so contract wouldn’t calculate any fee or reward accrual for those 1000 pxGmx and weth rewards.
  5. owner of AutoPxGpl would lose his fee for those rewards and users of AutoPxGpl would lose their claims for those 1000 pxGmx rewards (because the calculation for them didn’t happen).

This bug is because of the fact that the only logic handling rewards is in compound() function which is only handling receiving rewards by calling claim() during the call to compound() but it’s possible to call claim() directly (PirexRewards contract allows this) and AutoPxGpl won’t get notified about this new rewards and the related logics won’t get executed.

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Recommended Mitigation Steps

contract should keep track of it’s previous balance when compound() get executed and update this balance in deposits and withdraws and claims so it can detect rewards that directly transferred to contract without call to compound().

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