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HistoryNov 06, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Double spending risk in L1 Bridge Contract

vulnerable contract
double spending risk
incomplete verification

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


There is double spending risk in L1 Bridge Contract. The user may call claimFailedDeposit to release their locked fund while they still have token balance in L2 network.

Proof of Concept

Let us focus on the L1ERC20Bridge.sol

    /// @dev Withdraw funds from the initiated deposit, that failed when finalizing on L2
    /// @param _depositSender The address of the deposit initiator
    /// @param _l1Token The address of the deposited L1 ERC20 token
    /// @param _l2TxHash The L2 transaction hash of the failed deposit finalization
    /// @param _l2BlockNumber The L2 block number where the deposit finalization was processed
    /// @param _l2MessageIndex The position in the L2 logs Merkle tree of the l2Log that was sent with the message
    /// @param _l2TxNumberInBlock The L2 transaction number in a block, in which the log was sent
    /// @param _merkleProof The Merkle proof of the processing L1 -&gt; L2 transaction with deposit finalization
    function claimFailedDeposit(
        address _depositSender,
        address _l1Token,
        bytes32 _l2TxHash,
        uint256 _l2BlockNumber,
        uint256 _l2MessageIndex,
        uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
        bytes32[] calldata _merkleProof
    ) external nonReentrant senderCanCallFunction(allowList) {
        // Bootloader sends an L2 -&gt; L1 log only after processing the L1 -&gt; L2 transaction.
        // Thus, we can verify that the deposit (L1 -&gt; L2 transaction) was included in the L2 block with failed status.
        // The semantics of such L2 -&gt; L1 log is always:
        // - sender = BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS
        // - key = hash(L1ToL2Transaction)
        // - value = status of the processing transaction (1 - success & 0 for fail)
        // - isService = true (just a conventional value)
        // - l2ShardId = 0 (means that L1 -&gt; L2 transaction was processed in a rollup shard, other shards are not available yet anyway)
        // - txNumberInBlock = number of transaction in the block
        L2Log memory l2Log = L2Log({
            l2ShardId: 0,
            isService: true,
            txNumberInBlock: _l2TxNumberInBlock,
            sender: BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS,
            key: _l2TxHash,
            value: bytes32(0)
        bool success = zkSyncMailbox.proveL2LogInclusion(_l2BlockNumber, _l2MessageIndex, l2Log, _merkleProof);
        require(success, "yn");

        uint256 amount = depositAmount[_depositSender][_l1Token][_l2TxHash];
        require(amount &gt; 0, "y1");

        delete depositAmount[_depositSender][_l1Token][_l2TxHash];
        // Withdraw funds
        IERC20(_l1Token).safeTransfer(_depositSender, amount);

        emit ClaimedFailedDeposit(_depositSender, _l1Token, amount);

The expected behavior, as comment points out is that:
Withdraw funds from the initiated deposit, that failed when finalizing on L2

However, the underlying

bool success = zkSyncMailbox.proveL2LogInclusion(_l2BlockNumber, _l2MessageIndex, l2Log, _merkleProof);

only check if the specific log is included in a block.

    /// @notice Prove that a specific L2 log was sent in a specific L2 block
    /// @param _blockNumber The executed L2 block number in which the log appeared
    /// @param _index The position of the l2log in the L2 logs Merkle tree
    /// @param _log Information about the sent log
    /// @param _proof Merkle proof for inclusion of the L2 log
    function proveL2LogInclusion(
        uint256 _blockNumber,
        uint256 _index,
        L2Log memory _log,
        bytes32[] calldata _proof
    ) external view returns (bool) {
        return _proveL2LogInclusion(_blockNumber, _index, _log, _proof);

    /// @dev Prove that a specific L2 log was sent in a specific L2 block number
    function _proveL2LogInclusion(
        uint256 _blockNumber,
        uint256 _index,
        L2Log memory _log,
        bytes32[] calldata _proof
    ) internal view returns (bool) {
        require(_blockNumber &lt;= s.totalBlocksExecuted, "xx");

        bytes32 hashedLog = keccak256(
            abi.encodePacked(_log.l2ShardId, _log.isService, _log.txNumberInBlock, _log.sender, _log.key, _log.value)
        // Check that hashed log is not the default one,
        // otherwise it means that the value is out of range of sent L2 -&gt; L1 logs
        require(hashedLog != L2_L1_LOGS_TREE_DEFAULT_LEAF_HASH, "tw");
        // Check that the proof length is exactly the same as tree height, to prevent
        // any shorter/longer paths attack on the Merkle path validation
        require(_proof.length == L2_TO_L1_LOG_MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, "rz");

        bytes32 calculatedRootHash = Merkle.calculateRoot(_proof, _index, hashedLog);
        bytes32 actualRootHash = s.l2LogsRootHashes[_blockNumber];

        return actualRootHash == calculatedRootHash;

Basically user can call claimFailedDeposit to withdraw the fund and cause double spending issue after the transaction is confimred in L2.

Ok let us say the project changes the code to make sure that when claimFailedDeposit, the transaction in L2 failed.

There is still a potential attack vector: the dishonest validator can falesly write failed transaction and then claim the fund in L1 himself.

Causing double spending issue again.

Tools Used

VS Code.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

We recommend the project change the code to make sure only the transaction in L2 failed the user can claimFailedDeposit.

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