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HistorySep 23, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Wrong accounting logic when syncRewards() is called within beforeWithdraw makes withdrawals impossible


Lines of code

Vulnerability details


sfrxETH.beforeWithdraw first calls the beforeWithdraw of xERC4626, which decrements storedTotalAssets by the given amount. If the timestamp is greater than the rewardsCycleEnd, syncRewards is called. However, the problem is that the assets have not been transfered out yet, meaning asset.balanceOf(address(this)) still has the old value. On the other hand, storedTotalAssets was already updated. Therefore, the following calculation will be inflated by the amount for which the withdrawal was requested:

uint256 nextRewards = asset.balanceOf(address(this)) - storedTotalAssets_ - lastRewardAmount_;

This has severe consequences:
1.) During the following reward period, lastRewardAmount is too high, which means that too much rewards are paid out too users who want to withdraw. A user could exploit this to steal the assets of other users.
2.) When syncRewards() is called the next time, it is possible that the nextRewards calculation underflows because lastRewardAmount > asset.balanceOf(address(this)). This is very bad because syncRewards() will be called in every withdrawal (after the rewardsCycleEnd) and none of them will succeed because of the underflow. Depositing more also does not help here, it just increases asset.balanceOf(address(this)) and storedTotalAssets by the same amount, which does not eliminate the underflow.

Note that this bug does not require a malicious user or a targeted attack to surface. It can (and probably will) happen in practice just by normal user interactions with the vault (which is for instance shown in the PoC).

Proof Of Concept

Consider the following test:

function testTotalAssetsAfterWithdraw() public {        
        uint128 deposit = 1 ether;
        uint128 withdraw = 1 ether;
        // Mint frxETH to this testing contract from nothing, for testing
        mintTo(address(this), deposit);

        // Generate some sfrxETH to this testing contract using frxETH
        frxETHtoken.approve(address(sfrxETHtoken), deposit);
        sfrxETHtoken.deposit(deposit, address(this));
        require(sfrxETHtoken.totalAssets() == deposit);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1000);
        // Withdraw frxETH (from sfrxETH) to this testing contract
        sfrxETHtoken.withdraw(withdraw, address(this), address(this));
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1000);
        require(sfrxETHtoken.totalAssets() == deposit - withdraw);

This is a normal user interaction where a user deposits into the vault, and makes a withdrawal some time later. However, at this point the syncRewards() within the beforeWithdraw is executed. Because of that, the documented accounting mistake happens and the next call (in fact every call that will be done in the future) to syncRewards() reverts with an underflow.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Call syncRewards() before decrementing storedTotalAssets, i.e.:

function beforeWithdraw(uint256 assets, uint256 shares) internal override {
	if (block.timestamp >= rewardsCycleEnd) { syncRewards(); }
	super.beforeWithdraw(assets, shares); // call xERC4626's beforeWithdraw AFTER

Then, asset.balanceOf(address(this)) and storedTotalAssets are still in sync within syncRewards().

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