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HistoryAug 07, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

If a MIMOProxy owner destroys their proxy, they cannot deploy another from the same address

security issue
smart contract
deployment restriction
proxy owner

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

When deploying a new MIMOProxy, the MIMOProxyRegistry first checks whether a proxy exists with the same owner for the given address. If an existing proxy is found, the deployment reverts:


  function deployFor(address owner) public override returns (IMIMOProxy proxy) {
    IMIMOProxy currentProxy = _currentProxies[owner];

    // Do not deploy if the proxy already exists and the owner is the same.
    if (address(currentProxy) != address(0) && currentProxy.owner() == owner) {
      revert CustomErrors.PROXY_ALREADY_EXISTS(owner);

    // Deploy the proxy via the factory.
    proxy = factory.deployFor(owner);

    // Set or override the current proxy for the owner.
    _currentProxies[owner] = IMIMOProxy(proxy);

However, if a MIMOProxy owner intentionally or accidentally destroys their proxy by delegatecalling a target that calls selfdestruct, the address of their destroyed proxy will remain in the _currentProxies mapping, but the static call to currentProxy.owner() on L49 will revert. The caller will be blocked from deploying a new proxy from the same address that created their original MIMOProxy.

Impact: If a user accidentally destroys their MIMOProxy, they must use a new EOA address to deploy another.


Check whether the proxy has been destroyed as part of the β€œproxy already exists” conditions. If the proxy address has a codesize of zero, it has been destroyed:

    // Do not deploy if the proxy already exists and the owner is the same.
    if (address(currentProxy) != address(0) && currentProxy.code.length > 0 && currentProxy.owner() == owner) {
      revert CustomErrors.PROXY_ALREADY_EXISTS(owner);

Test cases

We’ll use this ProxyAttacks helper contract to manipulate proxy storage. Note that it has the same storage layout as MIMOProxy.

contract ProxyAttacks {

   address public owner;
   uint256 public minGasReserve;
   mapping(address => mapping(address => mapping(bytes4 => bool))) internal _permissions;

   // Selector 0x9cb8a26a
   function selfDestruct() external {

Then deploy the ProxyAttacks helper in a test environment and use MIMOProxy to delegatecall into it:

import chai, { expect } from 'chai';
import { solidity } from 'ethereum-waffle';
import { deployments, ethers } from 'hardhat';

import { MIMOProxy, MIMOProxyFactory, MIMOProxyRegistry, ProxyAttacks } from '../../typechain';


const setup = deployments.createFixture(async () => {
  const { deploy } = deployments;
  const [owner, attacker] = await ethers.getSigners();

  await deploy("MIMOProxy", {
    from: owner.address,
    args: [],
  const mimoProxyBase: MIMOProxy = await ethers.getContract("MIMOProxy");

  await deploy("MIMOProxyFactory", {
    from: owner.address,
    args: [mimoProxyBase.address],
  const mimoProxyFactory: MIMOProxyFactory = await ethers.getContract("MIMOProxyFactory");

  await deploy("MIMOProxyRegistry", {
    from: owner.address,
    args: [mimoProxyFactory.address],
  const mimoProxyRegistry: MIMOProxyRegistry = await ethers.getContract("MIMOProxyRegistry");

  await deploy("ProxyAttacks", {
    from: owner.address,
    args: [],
  const proxyAttacks: ProxyAttacks = await ethers.getContract("ProxyAttacks");

  return {

describe("Proxy attack tests", () => {
  it("Proxy instance self destruct + recreation", async () => {
    const { owner, mimoProxyRegistry, proxyAttacks } = await setup();
    await mimoProxyRegistry.deploy();
    const currentProxy = await mimoProxyRegistry.getCurrentProxy(owner.address);
    const proxy = await ethers.getContractAt("MIMOProxy", currentProxy);

    // Delegatecall to selfDestruct on ProxyAttacks contract
    await proxy.execute(proxyAttacks.address, "0x9cb8a26a");

    // Owner's existing proxy is destroyed
    expect(proxy.owner())"call revert exception");

    // Cannot deploy another proxy for this address through the registry
    await expect(mimoProxyRegistry.deploy())"function returned an unexpected amount of data");

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