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HistoryMay 15, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

processYield() and distributeYield() may run out of gas and revert due to long list of extra rewards/yields


Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Yields will not be able to be distributed to lenders because attempts to do so will revert

Proof of Concept

The processYield() function loops overall of the extra rewards and transfers them

File: smart-contracts/ConvexCurveLPVault.sol   #1

105       uint256 extraRewardsLength = IConvexBaseRewardPool(baseRewardPool).extraRewardsLength();
106       for (uint256 i = 0; i &lt; extraRewardsLength; i++) {
107         address _extraReward = IConvexBaseRewardPool(baseRewardPool).extraRewards(i);
108         address _rewardToken = IRewards(_extraReward).rewardToken();
109         _transferYield(_rewardToken);
110       }


There is no guarantee that the tokens involved will be efficient in their use of gas, and there are no upper bounds on the number of extra rewards:

    function extraRewardsLength() external view returns (uint256) {
        return extraRewards.length;

    function addExtraReward(address _reward) external returns(bool){
        require(msg.sender == rewardManager, "!authorized");
        require(_reward != address(0),"!reward setting");

        return true;


Even if not every extra reward token has a balance, an attacker can sprinkle each one with dust, forcing a transfer by this function

_getAssetYields() has a similar issue:

File: smart-contracts/YieldManager.sol   #X

129       AssetYield[] memory assetYields = _getAssetYields(exchangedAmount);
130       for (uint256 i = 0; i &lt; assetYields.length; i++) {
131         if (assetYields[i].amount &gt; 0) {
132           uint256 _amount = _convertToStableCoin(assetYields[i].asset, assetYields[i].amount);
133           // 3. deposit Yield to pool for suppliers
134           _depositYield(assetYields[i].asset, _amount);
135         }
136       }


Tools Used

Code inspection

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Include an offset and length as is done in YieldManager.distributeYield()

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