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HistoryMay 23, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Users may lose rewards to other users if rewards are given as fee-on-transfer tokens

fee-on-transfer tokens
code inspection

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


If rewards are given in fee-on-transfer tokens, users may get no rewards, breaking functionality

Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or :::leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions:::, but external requirements.
(emphasis mine)

The underlying BAL protocol support fee-on-transfer tokens, so so should Aura

Proof of Concept

File: contracts/ExtraRewardsDistributor.sol   #1

87       function _addReward(
88           address _token,
89           uint256 _amount,
90           uint256 _epoch
91       ) internal nonReentrant {
92           // Pull before reward accrual
93           IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
95           //convert to reward per token
96           uint256 supply = auraLocker.totalSupplyAtEpoch(_epoch);
97           uint256 rPerT = (_amount * 1e20) / supply;
98           rewardData[_token][_epoch] += rPerT;


If a fee is charged the total amount available to be transferred later will be less than the _amount passed in.

Consider the following scenario:
User A holds 98% of the total supply of vlBAL (the system is being bootstrapped)
User B holds 1%
User C holds 1%

  1. _token is given out as a reward. It is a fee-on-transfer token with a fee of 2%
  2. Nobody claims the reward until it’s fully available (to save gas on transaction fees)
  3. User A is the first to claim his/her reward and gets 98% of the reward, leaving 0 wei of the token left (since the other 2% was already taken as a fee by the token itself)
  4. User B tries to claim and the call reverts since there’s no balance left
  5. User C tries to claim and the call reverts for them too
  6. Users B and C are angry and stop using Aura
File: contracts/ExtraRewardsDistributor.sol   #2

87       function _addReward(
88           address _token,
89           uint256 _amount,
90           uint256 _epoch
91       ) internal nonReentrant {
92           // Pull before reward accrual
93           IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
95           //convert to reward per token
96           uint256 supply = auraLocker.totalSupplyAtEpoch(_epoch);
97           uint256 rPerT = (_amount * 1e20) / supply;
98           rewardData[_token][_epoch] += rPerT;


Tools Used

Code inspection

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Measure the contract balance before and after the transfer, and use the difference as the amount, rather than the stated amount

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