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HistoryFeb 10, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Wrong logic around areOperatorsImported


Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The logic related to the areOperatorsImported method is incorrect and can cause an operator not to be updated because the owner thinks it is already updated, and a vulnerable or defective one can be used.

Proof of Concept

The operators mapping is made up of a key bytes32 name and a value made up of two values: implementation and selector, both of which identify the contract and function to be called when an operator is invoked.

The areOperatorsImported method tries to check if the operators to check already exist, however, the check is not done correctly, since && is used instead of ||.

If the operator with name A and value {implementation=0x27f8d03b3a2196956ed754badc28d73be8830a6e,selector=“performSwapVulnerable”} exists, and the owner try to check if the operator with name A and value {implementation=0x27f8d03b3a2196956ed754badc28d73be8830a6e,selector=“performSwapFixed”} exists, that function will return true, and the owner may decide not to import it , producing unexpected errors.
Because operators manage the tokens, this error can produce a token lost.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Change && by ||

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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