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HistoryFeb 09, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

During stake or deposit, users would not be rewared the correct Concur token, when MasterChef has under-supply of it.


Lines of code

Vulnerability details


During stake or deposit, users would not be transferred the correct Concur token, when MasterChef has under-supply of it.

There is an assumption that MasterChef contract would own enough Concur tokens so as to distribute to users as reward, during deposit or withdraw. But say, due to excess user activity, MasterChef runs out of Concur tokens. All deposits & withdraws that happen after that, would have zero transfer of Concur token to the user. This will continue till the MasterChef contract is replenished again.

#Proof of Concept

Makeshift unit test
Note: Temporarily modify the private function MasterChef.safeConcurTransfer to public function, for unit test validation

//Unit Test starts
  it("MasterChef - Zero Concur balance", async function() {
    await, 100);
    console.log(await concurToken.balanceOf(masterChef.address), await concurToken.balanceOf(user1.address));
    await masterChef.safeConcurTransfer(user1.address, 60); // user1 is rewarded correctly.
    console.log(await concurToken.balanceOf(masterChef.address), await concurToken.balanceOf(user1.address));
    await masterChef.safeConcurTransfer(user1.address, 60); // user1 is rewarded lesser by 10.
    console.log(await concurToken.balanceOf(masterChef.address), await concurToken.balanceOf(user1.address));
    await masterChef.safeConcurTransfer(user1.address, 60); // user1 is totally not rewarded.
    console.log(await concurToken.balanceOf(masterChef.address), await concurToken.balanceOf(user1.address));
//Unit Test ends

Tools Used

Manual review, & makeshift Unit test

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Minimal recommended fix

To MasterChef.safeConcurTransfer function, add the following require statement. This will atleast ensure that, when there is zero balance in MasterChef contract, the safeConcurTransfer function will not succeed.

    function safeConcurTransfer(address _to, uint _amount) private {
        uint concurBalance = concur.balanceOf(address(this));
        require(concurBalance>0, "safeConcurTransfer: balance is zero.");  

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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