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HistoryFeb 09, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Reentrancy in ConcurRewardPool::claimRewards


Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Any address that has nonzero reward for a token _tokens[i] is able to drain all contact token funds if the transfer function is reentrant (for example, ERC777 token). As _tokens[i] is an arbitrarily implemented, a reentrant transfer function can be assumed to be present among all _tokens.

Proof of Concept

Let there be an address addr that is a contarct and has its reward pushed on token token that has a hookable transfer function.

An exploiter created the addr contract in a way that it hooked the transfer function if tokens are sent to it from ConcurRewardPool. Contract can be called to claimRewards from ConcurRewardPool with a list of length 1, consisting of token. When a transfer occurs, the hook passes control back to the addr, which can call claimRewards again with the same argument and payout the same amount as reward[msg.sender][_tokens[i]] asn’t been yet modified.

Tools Used

Manual analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Swap lines 37 and 38 in the claimRewards implementation.

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