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HistoryFeb 15, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Basis points constant BPS_MAX is used as minimal fee amount requirement

fee modules
minimum fee amount

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Base fee modules require minimum fixed fee amount to be at least BPS_MAX, which is hard coded to be 10000.

This turns out to be a functionality restricting requirement for some currencies.

For example, WBTC (<;, #10 in ERC20 token rankings), has decimals of 8 and current market rate around $40k, i.e. if you want to use any WBTC based collect fee, it has to be at least $4 per collect or fee enabled follow.

Tether and USDC (<; and <;, #1 and #3) have decimals of 6, so it is at least $0.01 per collect/follow, which also looks a bit tight for a hard floor minimum.

Proof of Concept

BPS_MAX is a system wide constant, now 10000:



This is correct for any fees defined in basis point terms.

When it comes to the nominal amount, 10000 can be too loose or too tight depending on a currency used, as there can be various combinations of decimals and market rates.

The following base collect module implementations require fee amount to be at least BPS_MAX (initialization reverts when amount < BPS_MAX):

All collect module implementations use the same check:









FeeFollowModule also uses the same approach:


Recommended Mitigation Steps

As a simplest solution consider adding a separate constant for minimum fee amount in nominal terms, say 1 or 10

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