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HistoryOct 13, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.

Wrong keeper reward computation




Vulnerability details

The PoolKeeper.keeperReward computation mixes WADs and Quads which leads to issues.

  1. Note that keeperTip returns values where 1 = 1%, and 100 = 100%, the same way BASE_TIP = 5 = 5%. Thus _tipPercent = ABDKMathQuad.fromUInt(keeperTip) is a Quad value of this keeper tip, and not in β€œwad units” as the comment above it says.
// @audit πŸ‘‡ this comment is not correct, it's in Quad units
// tip percent in wad units
bytes16 _tipPercent = ABDKMathQuad.fromUInt(keeperTip(_savedPreviousUpdatedTimestamp, _poolInterval));
  1. Now the wadRewardValue interprets _tipPercent as a WAD + Quad value which ultimately leads to significantly fewer keeper rewards:
    It tries to compute _keeperGas + _keeperGas * _tipPercent and to compute _keeperGas * _tipPercent it does a wrong division by fixedPoint (1e18 as a quad value) because it think the _tipPercent is a WAD value (100%=1e18) as a quad, when indeed 100%=100. It seems like it should divide by 100 as a quad instead.
    // @audit there's no need to divide by fixedPoint, he wants _keeperGas * _tipPercent and _tipPercent is a quad quad_99 / quad_100
    ABDKMathQuad.div((ABDKMathQuad.mul(ABDKMathQuad.fromUInt(_keeperGas), _tipPercent)), ABDKMathQuad.fromUInt(100))


The keeper rewards are off as the _keeperGas * _tipPercent is divided by 1e18 instead of 1e2.
Keeper will just receive their _keeperGas cost but the tip part will be close to zero every time.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Generally, I’d say the contract mixes quad and WAD units where it doesn’t have to do it. Usually, you either use WAD or Quad math but not both at the same time.
This complicates the code.
I’d make keeperTip() return a byte16 Quad value as a percentage where 100% = ABDKMathQuad.fromUInt(1). This temporary float result can then be used in a different ABDKMathQuad computation.

Alternatively, divide by 100 as a quad instead of 1e18 as a quad because _tipPercent is not a WAD value, but simply a percentage where 1 = 1%.

    // @audit there's no need to divide by fixedPoint, he wants _keeperGas * _tipPercent and _tipPercent is a quad quad_99 / quad_100
    ABDKMathQuad.div((ABDKMathQuad.mul(ABDKMathQuad.fromUInt(_keeperGas), _tipPercent)), ABDKMathQuad.fromUInt(100))

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