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coalfireThe Coalfire BlogCOALFIRE:041FE818343B1B7996890245592CC2C4
HistoryAug 12, 2014 - 9:06 a.m.

Keeping your restaurant & hospitality Cardholder Data Environment safe

The Coalfire Blog

Reports of new credit card data breaches seem to be in the news daily. Recent high profile breaches within major retailers this year should serve as a wake-up call to the restaurant and hospitality industries. As a result of having high volumes of credit card transactions and decentralized security practices, criminal organizations have put the restaurant and hospitality industry squarely in their sights. The track data used in U.S magnetic-Stripe cards are still among the most valuable commodities on the black market as it allows criminal organizations to clone cards and quickly exploit them for highest possible financial gain.