Alert ID:
First Published:
2016 April 4 13:18 GMT
Email messages that are related to this threat (RuleID22033) may contain the following files:
Name | Size in Bytes | MD5 Checksum |
696,320 | ||
0xFD1DE727AFCA3839B44C38115F679A7C |
The following text is a sample of the email message that is associated with this threat outbreak:
> Subject: **Port agency appointment **
Message Body:
Dear Sir,
A/S is pleased to appoint you as port agent
Please accept the appointment and provide
your best pro-forma disbursement account
quotation for the above port call using
our online DA-Desk system.To do this please
open the following link in your internet browser.
Please have your username and password to hand
before clicking on the link.Please follow the
instructions carefully. If you are unable to
connectto the internet or have any problems
using the system, please contact us
immediately.If you have general enquiries
about using the system, please contact us
Cisco security appliances can help protect customers during the critical period between the first exploit of a virus outbreak and the release of vendor antivirus signatures. Cisco Web Security Appliances help secure and control web and email traffic by offering layers of malware protection. Cisco security appliances are automatically updated to help prevent both spam email and hostile web URLs from being passed to the end user.
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Cisco Security
Cisco SenderBase Security Network
Revision History
* Version | Description | Section | Date |
1 | Initial Release | 2016-April-04 13:18 GMT | |
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