Alert ID:
First Published:
2013 July 10 14:57 GMT
Email messages that are related to this threat (RuleID6536) may contain the following files:
> payment details.rar
payment details.scr
The payment details.scr file in the payment details.rar attachment has a file size of 567,808 bytes. The MD5 checksum, which is a unique identifier of the executable, is the following string: 0x8EE6A8DB42AB9F3D3DDDCCE2482900BD
The following text is a sample of the email message that is associated with this threat outbreak:
> Message Body:
> Check the attachment for your investment payment details
Cisco Security analysts examine real-world email traffic data that is collected from over 100,000 contributing organizations worldwide. This data helps provide a range of information about and analysis of global email security threats and trends. Cisco will continue to monitor this threat and automatically adapt systems to protect customers. This report will be updated if there are significant changes or if the risk to end users increases.
Cisco security appliances protect customers during the critical period between the first exploit of a virus outbreak and the release of vendor antivirus signatures. Email that is managed by Cisco and end users who are protected by Cisco Web Security Appliances will not be impacted by these attacks. Cisco security appliances are automatically updated to prevent both spam email and hostile web URLs from being passed to the end user.
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Revision History
* Version | Description | Section | Date |
1 | Initial Release | 2013-July-10 14:57 GMT | |
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