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HistoryAug 03, 2017 - 1:14 p.m.

August 3, 2017 – Morning Cyber Coffee Headlines – “Tony Bennett” Edition

Ryan Murphy

Good morning! Sit with Carbon Black this morning over a cup of coffee (or tea) and browse a few industry headlines to get the day started. We’ve got just enough information below to get you through that first cup…enjoy!

August 3, 2017 - Headlines ****
Carbon Black in the News:
10 tips for effective threat hunting - CSO

The Cybersecurity Strategies Governments Need - Governing

A closer look at cybersecurity - IT Pro Portal

Staying in Front of Cybersecurity Innovation - Dark Reading

Congress to smart device makers: Your security sucks - CNET

An influential US Senator is worried about the stock market getting hacked - Business Insider

State Voter Registration Systems Are Easier to Hack Than Anyone Wants to Admit - Mother Jones

72% of Businesses Plan for Endpoint Security Budget Boost - Dark Reading

Did You Know?

Tony Bennett turns 91-years-old today.

Quote of the Day

“It sounds so simple, but if you just be yourself, you’re different than anyone else.” - Tony Bennett

Today’s Video of the Day

Today’s Trivia!

In what New York City borough (also the home of New York Mets) was Tony Bennett born?

Yesterday’s Question: In what U.S. city was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Answer: Philadelphia

Beat the Streak! Our current longest streak of correct answers comes from** Cait R., who have achieved correct answers for 101 days straight.** Can you beat the streak?

Current Streaks
Cait R. - 101 days
Matt M. - 22 days
Trent G. - 20 days
Thomas B. - 10 days
Felicia A. - 10 days
Helen C. - 3 days

Hall-of-Fame Streaks
@kimwh - 197 days
Cait R. - 101 days (current)
Kevin F. - 85 days

Tweet the correct answer to @CarbonBlack_Inc and get a shout out in tomorrow’s Morning Coffee and your Twitter handle in a #FF tweet at the end of the week!

The post August 3, 2017 - Morning Cyber Coffee Headlines - “Tony Bennett” Edition appeared first on Carbon Black.