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HistoryJan 05, 2018 - 2:13 p.m.

January 5, 2017 – Morning Cyber Coffee Headlines – “Monopoly” Edition

Ryan Murphy

Good morning! Sit with Carbon Black this morning over a cup of coffee (or tea) and browse a few industry headlines to get the day started. We’ve got just enough information below to get you through that first cup…enjoy!

**January 5, 2018 - Headlines **

Carbon Black in the News:Cybersecurity news round-up - Digital Health

Cybersecurity Researchers Find Major Flaws In Widely Used Computer Chips - NPR

Cyber security predictions 2018 - IT Pro Portal

Hospitals Face Steep Cybersecurity Challenges with Less Government Help - Government Technology

Contractors Must Contend With New Cybersecurity Rule - National Defense

Threat identification tool for cybersecurity in self-driving cars -

Securing government email is a critical step for U.S. cybersecurity - FCW

The CEO’s Critical Role In Driving Cybersecurity Readiness - Forbes

New Adware Discovered in 22 Apps in Google Play - Dark Reading

Google Apps Script Vulnerability Exposes SaaS to URL-based Threats - Dark Reading

White House disbands election integrity commission - SC Media

Report: Expect more website ads to contain hidden cryptominers - SC Media**

****Did You Know?

**The Monopoly game is based on Atlantic City, New Jersey.

**Quote of the Day

"I think it’s wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly. - Steven Wright **

Today’s Video of the Day

**Today’s Trivia!

**What is the most expensive property in Monopoly?

**Yesterday’s Question:**There are two Scrabble letters worth 10 points. Name one.

**Answer:**Q and Z

Beat the Streak! Our current longest streak of correct answers comes from** Cait R., who has achieved correct answers for 55 days straight.** Can you beat the streak?

Current Streaks
Cait R. - 55 days
@xcelr8 - 45 days
Felicia A. - 44 days
@kimwh - 37 days
Thomas B. - 37 days
Trent G. - 34 days
Kourken A. - 30 days
Helen C. - 18 days
Tom B. - 17 days

Hall-of-Fame Streaks
@kimwh - 197 days
Cait R. - 106 days
Kevin F. - 85 days

Tweet the correct answer to @CarbonBlack_Inc and get a shout out in tomorrow’s Morning Coffee and your Twitter handle in a #FF tweet at the end of the week!

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