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HistoryJul 21, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.



A CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials vulnerability exists in EVlink City (EVC1S22P4 / EVC1S7P4 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), EVlink Parking (EVW2 / EVF2 / EV.2 all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1), and EVlink Smart Wallbox (EVB1A all versions prior to R8 V3.4.0.1 ) that could allow an attacker to issue unauthorized commands to the charging station web server with administrative privileges.

Recent assessments:

gwillcox-r7 at July 14, 2021 4:28pm UTC reported:

According to <; this is a hardcoded password issue in EVlink City / Parking / Smart Wallbox Charging Stations that would grant attackers administrative level control over a EVlink City / Parking / Smart Wallbox Charging Stations web server. These types of devices may not be updated regularly due to the need for them to be running constantly throughout the city, so I can imagine implementing a proper patching strategy will be paramount for ensuring this patch gets applied quickly, as this type of vulnerability could either be used for something simple like just resetting the amount a user has to pay to charge their car, or for gaining further access to city infrastructure, which could be used as a precursor to more targeted attacks.

Assessed Attacker Value: 4
Assessed Attacker Value: 4Assessed Attacker Value: 5

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