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HistoryJun 21, 2021 - 11:34 a.m.

Attachments gets downloaded on Chromium based browsers even after user logs out from Confluence


h3. Issue Summary
Attachments gets downloaded on Chromium based browsers even after user logs out from the page

h3. Steps to Reproduce

Create a new page in Confluence

Attach any PDF or picture or any file in that page and then publish the page

Copy the image link by right clicking on the image as shown in the attach screenshot

Use any Chromium based browser such as Chrome/Opera/Edge etc to login into Confluence using your username and password

Open another tab and paste the link in the URL which was copied earlier, you will see that the attachment downloads which is fine and expected

Now, close that tab and log out from Confluence

Open a new tab and again paste the link in the URL which was copied earlier, you will see that the attachment still downloads which is not good.

This issue is not seen with non chromium browsers such as Firefox, Safari or IE.

To summarise any attachment links should be allowed to download the file only when a user is logged into Confluence and if the user is not logged in then the user should be redirected to the login screen. After the user provides correct username and password then only the attachment should be allowed to download.

h3. Expected Results
Attachments gets downloaded on Chromium based browsers even after user logs out from the page

h3. Actual Results
Attachments should not get downloaded on Chromium based browsers even after user logs out from the page

h3. Workaround
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

Affected configurations
