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HistoryJun 22, 2023 - 4:30 p.m.

Security Bulletin: IBM Security Directory Integrator is affected by multiple security vulnerabilities

ibm security directory integrator
pivotal spring framework
remote code execution
directory traversal
information disclosure
security vulnerabilities

9.8 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



9.3 High


Access Vector

Access Complexity



Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.937 High





IBM Security Directory Integrator has addressed several security issues in open source packages. Please apply the fix as detailed below.

Vulnerability Details

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by the exposure of STOMP over WebSocket endpoints with a STOMP broker through the spring-messaging module. By sending a specially-crafted message, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the system.
CVSS Base score: 9.8
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to traverse directories on the system, caused by the failure to sanitize paths provided to ResourceServlet. An attacker could send a specially-crafted URL request containing directory traversal sequences to view arbitrary files on the system.
CVSS Base score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to traverse directories on the system, caused by improper validation of user request. An attacker could send a specially-crafted URL request containing “dot dot” sequences (/…/) to configure Spring MVC to serve static resources.
CVSS Base score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) error in Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter when processing XML data. By sending specially-crafted XML data, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read arbitrary files and obtain sensitive information.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) error when processing XML data. By sending a specially-crafted request, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read arbitrary files and obtain sensitive information.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to download arbitrary files, caused by a reflected file download attack. By using a specially crafted URL with a batch script extension, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to download a malicious response.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache Axis is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the default servlet/services. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 6.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) error when processing XML data. By sending a specially-crafted request, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read arbitrary files and obtain sensitive information.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**VMware Tanzu Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to bypass security restrictions, caused by improper input validation. By using a specially-crafted jsessionid path parameter, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to bypass RFD Protection.
CVSS Base score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an error when parsing XML entities. By persuading a victim to open a specially-crafted XML document containing external entity references, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache Axis and Axis2 could allow a remote attacker to conduct spoofing attacks, caused by and incomplete fix related to the failure to verify that the server hostname matches a domain name in the subject’s Common Name (CN) field of the X.509 certificate. By persuading a victim to visit a Web site containing a specially-crafted certificate, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability using man-in-the-middle techniques to spoof an SSL server.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache XMLBeans is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an XML external entity (XXE) error when processing XML data. By sending a specially-crafted XML request, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause a denial of service or obtain sensitive information.
CVSS Base score: 6.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:L)

**DESCRIPTION:**Pivotal Spring Framework could allow a remote authenticated attacker to gain elevated privileges on the system, caused by improper input validation. By sending a specially-crafted request, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to gain elevated privileges.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache Axis is vulnerable to server-side request forgery, caused by an expired hard coded domain, used in a default example service named StockQuoteService.jws. By using a man-in-the-middle attack to force an HTTP request, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to conduct an SSRF attack, allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system.
CVSS Base score: 7.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:A/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

**DESCRIPTION:**Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an error when handling the Expression Language. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain classpaths and other sensitive information.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Spring Framework could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by an error in the mechanism to use client provided data to update the properties of an object. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the system.
CVSS Base score: 7.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the web based administration console. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 6.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to a brute force attack, caused by an error in the LDAPLoginModule implementation. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using the wildcard in usernames to obtain user credentials.
CVSS Base score: 7.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by the failure to restrict the classes that can be serialized in the broker. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially crafted serialized Java Message Service (JMS) ObjectMessage object to execute arbitrary code on the system.
CVSS Base score: 7.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ Client could allow a remote attacker to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack, caused by a missing TLS hostname verification. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to launch a man-in-the-middle attack between a Java application using the ActiveMQ client and the ActiveMQ server.
CVSS Base score: 5.9
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an error in the processControlCommand function in broker/ A remote attacker could use the shutdown command to shutdown the service.
CVSS Base score: 7.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the message.jsp script. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 6.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ could allow a remote attacker to traverse directories on the system, caused by an error in the fileserver upload/download functionality. By placing a jsp file in the admin console, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary shell commands on the system.
CVSS Base score: 9.8
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by an error in the Fileserver web application. By sending a specially crafted HTTP PUT request and an HTTP MOVE request, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to create an arbitrary file and execute arbitrary code on the system.
CVSS Base score: 7.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by multiple vectors. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using various parameters in a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by the failure to require authentication, by the Web console. By sending specially-crafted HTTP requests, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information or cause a denial of service.
CVSS Base score: 6.4
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:P)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an error in the failover mechanism when handling an openwire connection request. By sending a specially-crafted request, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the broker service to crash.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ client is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by a remote shutdown command in the ActiveMQConnection class. By sending a specific command, a remote authenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the application to stop responding.
CVSS Base score: 6.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by improper input validation. By sending a specially-crafted MQTT frame, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause a denial of service condition.
CVSS Base score: 7.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) error when processing XML data. By sending specially-crafted XML data to specify an XPath based selector, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the admin GUI. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 6.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input when handling cron jobs. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using specific parameters to inject malicious script into a Web page which would be executed in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the page is viewed. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the demo/portfolioPublish script. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using the refresh parameter in a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ could allow a remote authenticated attacker to bypass security restrictions, caused by an error in the LDAPLoginModule implementation. By sending an empty password, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to bypass the authentication mechanism of an application using LDAPLoginModule and assume the role of another user.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack, caused by improper authentication validation when connecting to the JMX RMI registry. By creating another server to proxy the original, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to launch a man-in-the-middle attack and gain access to the communication channel between endpoints to obtain user credentials or further compromise the system.
CVSS Base score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability in a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 6.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the queues.jsp file. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using the QueueFilter parameter in a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim’s Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim’s cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base score: 6.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by the enablement of a sample web application by the default configuration. By sending specially-crafted HTTP requests, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to consume broker resources and cause a denial of service.
CVSS Base score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache Axis 1.4, as used in multiple products, could allow a remote attacker to conduct spoofing attacks, caused by the failure to verify that the server hostname matches a domain name in the subject’s Common Name (CN) field of the X.509 certificate. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using man-in-the-middle techniques to spoof an SSL server and launch further attacks against a vulnerable target.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

**DESCRIPTION:**Apache ActiveMQ could allow a remote attacker to hijack the clicking action of the victim, caused by the failure to set the X-Frame-Options header in HTTP responses by the Administrative Web console. By persuading a victim to visit a malicious Web site, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to hijack the victim’s click actions.
CVSS Base score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N)

Affected Products and Versions

Affected Product(s) Version(s)
IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2.0


IBM encourages customers to update their systems promptly.

Released Product(s) Version(s) Remediation
IBM Security Directory Integrator

Workarounds and Mitigations


Affected configurations

ibm security directory integratoreq7.2

9.8 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



9.3 High


Access Vector

Access Complexity



Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.937 High


